The Seimas elections were won by the conservatives and the second by the “peasants,” confirmed the CEC.


A member of the CEC voted against the election results: Valdemar Urbanas, deputy representative of the Lithuanian electoral campaign in Poland, the Union of Christian Families.

“We have confirmed that 141 members of the new Seimas have been elected,” said Laura Matjošaitytė, president of the CEC, after the vote.

He stressed that these Seimas elections were held at an extraordinary moment, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It was really a great challenge for us and for all the electoral commissions. I really thank the members of the commission who did not flee and the elections were held. Everything went well,” said L. Matjošaitytė.

After the final results of the Seimas elections were approved by the CEC, the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union, the Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union – 32, the Liberal Movement and the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party – 13 each, the Freedom Party – 11 seats each, Labor Party – ten, Lithuanian Polish Election Campaign – representatives of the Union of Christian Families and the Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party – three each, representatives of the Freedom and Justice Party, and one representative of the Lithuanian Green Party.

Four self-appointed candidates were elected to the Seimas.

On Saturday, the CEC approved the election results: 68 MPs who won in single-member constituencies elected in the second round on October 25, and 70 Seimas members chosen from the party’s list were elected on October 11.

Three more parliamentarians were elected in the first round of the Seimas elections. These results have been previously confirmed.

There are 141 members of the Seimas who work in Parliament.

The CEC stated that 1.175 million people participated in the elections in the multinominal constituency. or 47.81 percent. voters.

The new MPs are scheduled to receive certificates on Monday and will be sworn in in mid-November.
