With three victories, the Russians lag behind one of the champion’s Italian hosts (4-1) and beat the Estonians (2-2) and the North Macedonians.
1. | Italy* | 4 | 1 |
two. | Russia * | 3 | two |
3. | Estonia | two | two |
Four. | North macedonia | 0 | 4 |
Another team from this group will enter the European Championship, and Estonia is more likely to become one.
The North Macedonians will have to defeat Italy in the remaining rounds, beat Estonia by at least 9 points and still wait for an Estonian defeat against the Russians, for whom the match will no longer be worth anything.
The Russian team, which secured a ticket to the European Championship, was joined by teams from Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic and Sacartwell, the hosts of the championship.
In addition, Croatia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Israel, Slovenia, Ukraine and Spain have already secured entries to the continent’s priorities.
The Lithuanian national team, who have not yet entered the European Championship, will catch up with him during the last selection window, during which they will play Czechs and Danes in Vilnius.
North Macedonia: Vojdanas Stojanovskis 18, Jacobas Wiley 16 (8/10 dvit.), Stojanas Gjuroskis and Kristijanas Nikolovas 11 each.
Russia: Joel Bolomboy 19, Semion Antonov 13, Artyom Komolov and Ivan Strebkov (7th ed.) After 11.