The recordings made by the prisoners show a shocking reality in Pravieniškės


Pravieniškės Prison: Prisoners’ “fun” again: although prison administrators constantly repeat that the situation is under control, Delphi The videos received from the prisoners reveal a different reality. Shocking reality: the images captured in the recordings are reminiscent of a horror movie.

“The condemned are still intoxicated with psychotropic substances, these images have become common in prisons; the officials no longer react to the situation, sometimes they only punish each other with their eyes,” said a convict, who still complies your conviction in a correctional facility for a crime.

Prisoners accuse them of not reporting intoxicated “friends” and searching for prohibited items, according to him, inmates who use “cobra” and “chimke” inmates suffer from self-inflicted psychotropic substances. .

However, according to the video-sharing convict, this is not only the case in closed residential areas, but also in an open neighborhood, where convicts can leave the prison without restrictions during the day and return home on weekends.

“The real nightmare is serving the sentence with those prisoners”, admitted the convict.

Read more about this Delphi.
