the recipes are simple and the flavor will captivate


Vylius Blauzdavičius, a celebrity chef and grill expert, will prepare a seafood stew at La Maistas. The recipe is simple, the number of products is minimal, the production is quite simple and the taste will not leave you indifferent.

“This dish needs a lot of garlic. It is very very suitable with seafood. However, it should be placed just before the end of cooking, as it burns very quickly, ”advises Chef Vylius.

Vylius prepared this dish in Portugal at the wedding of some friends. The people who tried it were pleasantly surprised, and the woman who has been making this stew all her life said that she had not tasted anything more tasty. So, trust the Vylius recipe and give it a try.

On the show, Vylius revealed that he was preparing for significant changes in his life. “I will say one thing, especially to those people who experience a lot of stress at work, at home. Find something where you will experience even more stress and what you experience in everyday life will seem very simple ”, what Vylius spoke about and the changes that await him, you will discover in the program.

Another chef from the show, a connoisseur of historical cuisine, Tomas Rimydis will prepare buttered stewed salmon with baskets of mascarpone and fennel salad. Tom says that salmon is a popular fish with us, most women love it, so men who choose to cook it will definitely not ask for it.

“Interesting production technology and interesting combinations. And really 99.99 percent with this dish. it will be accompanied by success, because it will surely surprise you with its knowledge. And they will be able to count the presentation of this dish all night long, ”Tom said of his plate.

The culmination of the dish is a vermouth, pea and spinach sauce.

See how to prepare these delicious dishes on Sunday, 9:30 pm on TV3.
