The president submits the removal of Attorney General Pašilis to the Seimas for approval


The President noted that over the past five years, the Lithuanian Prosecutor’s Office had improved social guarantees for prosecutors, carried out work optimization processes at the level of individual prosecutors, and had completed and referred several important cases to court. The goal was also to shorten the timelines for pretrial investigations generally during this period.
The President hopes that the future leadership of the Prosecutor’s Office will not only continue with this work, but will also focus on meeting the most important expectations of the prosecuting community and society.

According to the Head of State, it is necessary to take measures in the near future to strengthen the prestige of the prosecution service, ensure standards of transparency in internal administration decisions, systematically evaluate internal control mechanisms and risk assessment, especially in investigations resonance, and communicate such investigations more effectively. In addition, cooperation between the prosecution and the pre-trial investigation authorities should be strengthened.

According to article 118 of the Constitution, the Attorney General is appointed and removed by the President of the Republic with the approval of the Seimas. The Law on the Prosecutor’s Office establishes that the Attorney General’s term is five years and that his term ends at the end of his term.

The mandate of Attorney General E. Pašilis expires in 2020. December 29

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