The president of the Healthy Union Simonas Dailidė will become a father: his wife Aistė is expecting twins


Aistė and Simonas, who live in high spirits, announced that their family would be joined by two new members: the twins.

The couple originally talked about future children on a personal YouTube channel.

“A life changing event. It is not an adventure or a rubric, but an event that will definitely change a lifetime. Really, a new resume. It can be expressed in EVERYONE. It is adequate in every way, but it is difficult to find the most suitable description, ”Simon wrote in the video.

“It has been 30 weeks for this belly,” added S. Dailid cheerfully, pointing out the changes in his wife Aistė’s body shape since the pregnancy.

The couple admitted that the news of the two babies really surprised them.

“It was strange that we had one, and now there will be two. During the wedding, everyone wished they had twins. He leaned in,” Aistė laughed.

Videos of Aistė and Simon:

Simon met Aiste at a festival. He had previously said that the fateful meeting was followed by a series of dates and a test of the long-distance friendship relationship.

“Aistė lived in Paris and I was here in Vilnius. More and more, we flew with each other and communicated in this way. She studied there, and when she finished her studies, I brought her to Lithuania. Then we started living together. Probably, if not. It was because of our acquaintance, she would not have returned to live in Lithuania, ”Simonas said at the time.

The couple married in August 2019. In the Pilaitė church, their union was strengthened by the priest Ričardas Doveika.

After the ceremony, the entire platoon led the guests to the center of the capital. Here a festively decorated barge awaited them.

“There were 200-meter bulbs, because Aist ado adores them. One of Aiste’s dreams was to marry the priest R. Doveika, the other – the Christmas lights,” S. Dailidė said with a smile.
