The political scientist paid about 200 euros: he demonstrated the duplicity of both “peasants” and conservatives


A one-time payment of 200 euros to pensioners, disabled and orphans was approved by Seimas on Thursday and was strongly criticized by the opposition before the session. This measure is aimed at almost 910 thousand. people.

But after the vote, it turned out that only 8 MPs voted “no” in the opposition: the Chairman of the Freedom Party, Aušrinė Armonaitė, the Social Democrat Algirdas Sysas, the Liberals Gintaras Steponavičius, Viktorija Čmilytė – Nielsen, Virgilijus Alekna, Eugenijus Gentvilas and two conservatives. .

When asked why only two conservatives voted against, Professor A. Krupavičius said that a large portion of voters for National Union-Lithuania Christian Democrats, unlike liberals, are people of retirement age.

“It just came to our attention then. In the Liberal Movement and for the Freedom Party, younger people vote, for whom the issue of 200 euros is not relevant, and the proportion of pensioners who vote for the liberals is also small. And the Christian electorate of the National Union-Lithuania is significantly older. These “peasants” are trying to mobilize the retirees in their favor in one way, and the conservatives also want to sit in two chairs to please their constituents. Here in everywhere, electoral interests are very limited, “said Eltai A. Krupavičius.

According to the political scientist, Thursday’s vote in the Seimas showed the duplicity of the opposition and the ruling factions.

“There is no leadership here, only hypocrisy. My favorite sport in the Seimas is hypocrisy. This applies to both the resolution and the opposition. The 200-euro decision itself is wrong, and it is clear that twice two is the same to four. It is a unique campaign, and there is also no sustainable policy to improve the situation of the pensioners themselves. Instead of showing their views on the unique and electoral project, the opposition is also thinking about how many retirees will vote for them and How will those retirees behave when they know that some opposition factions have not supported the € 200 project? Then I would suggest (for the opposition – ELTA) not to criticize from scratch until next time. So, at least, it would be clearer for everyone, “he said.

A. Krupavičius is surprised that the opposition has not offered serious alternatives to the project started by the “peasants” regarding the payment of 200 euros to pensioners, disabled and orphans.

“What surprises me most is the total inability to propose alternative ideas. The alternatives were limited to saying that one scenario is to pay those € 200 before. The second scenario is to divide the money into several months. That is all. But overall, the entire proposal is flawed and does not create any preconditions for pension growth itself. The opposition has not been able to present that other scenario, which would be based on the principles of a sustainable policy, “said A. Krupavičius.

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