The poet Macijauskienė died


M. Macijauskienė graduated from the University of Vilnius in 1954 with a degree in Lithuanian language and literature, worked in the editorial office of the Jaunimo greta magazine, and since 1958 in Kauno tiesoje, in the Nemunas magazine. He started working at the Maironis Museum of Lithuanian Literature in 1969, and was its director in 1970-1981.

M. Macijauskienė has written numerous essays, articles, and research on cultural issues. Commemorative books about famous theaters, writers, and artists occupy a particularly important place in his creative biography.

M. Macijauskienė’s first collection of poetry “As a Waiting Tree” appeared in 1979. A little later, the poetry books “Poppy Cities”, “Like a Butterfly in the Light”, “Like a Scream Running to the Tops of Trees “and others.

The poet has written six poetry books, including for children, and has translated letters from Latvian, Russian, and Armenian. His own poems have been translated into Estonian, Latvian, Belarusian, and Russian.

M. Macijauskienė’s lyrics are characterized by reflection, the search for inner harmony, dreams, sincere openings.

M. Macijauskienė has obtained the second degree Santaka badge of honor from the municipality of the city of Kaunas (2015), the silver medal of the mayor of the city of Kaunas, Jonas Vileišis (2020).

The poet’s farewell will take place on Tuesday, May 12 from 11 a.m. at 1 p.m. Klaipeda Street In the church of Francisco de Asís. Departure – May 12, 2 p.m. to the Joniškė cemetery in Klaipėda.

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