Such stories have already become commonplace for Palanga officials, because the resort that surrounded the resort a week ago won’t attract posts until New Year’s Eve.
“The work in the posts is continuous and from the early morning the officers work, controlling everyone who comes. Of course, we may not be able to do it alone, border guards, police supporters help us, with the help of FNTT agents. The flow is constantly monitored, says Donatas Mockaitis, head of the Palanga City Police Response Department. – The daily averages of those arriving in Palanga are between 3-4 thousand cars a day. Approximately 60 to 80 cars are delivered from that flow every day. “
The excuses, according to officials, are also very varied. Some newcomers are still trying to convince them that they haven’t even heard of any ban on going to another municipality, others claim that they must come to Palanga because there is a bigger and better store there than in their residential area. Some argue that it is imperative to buy at the pharmacy.
Some riders do not even lie that they want to take a photo by the Christmas tree or go for a walk by the sea.
One of the most original researchers persuaded officials to care for the seriously ill and elderly living in Palanga and transport them with medication. However, when officials asked him to show what he was carrying in the car, it was not even those drugs that they had to pass to become bystanders. Eventually, the narrator admitted that the hoax attempt failed and he had to turn the steering wheel back from where he was coming from.
“There was a case when they checked a car registered abroad, he tried to come to Palanga with it. The person used the car registered in the US for more than 90 days, which is longer than allowed by law, so a report was made for such a violation. A detailed inspection of the people also revealed that there are five more cases of speeding, ”the official shared.
Already in Palanga, the inspection forces are working not only at the entrances, but also in the city. The young people recently arrived from Skuodas decided to take advantage of the night. However, the fun was not very pleasant: the officers on duty at night saw four arrivals and caught them. The boys’ hobbies brought them fines that ranged from five hundred to fifteen hundred euros each.
Officials promise to significantly strengthen controls during the holidays and advise people not to seek adventure, but to stay at home, because it is no longer a place to go to Palanga: short-term rental is prohibited, there are no fireworks New Year’s Eve and the city is monitored by cameras.