Relevant for employers and employees
Employee subsidies. As the quarantine continues, employers can declare downtime for employees if they cannot provide employment. During the downtime, the employee is not working, but is paid at least the monthly minimum wage, if the full rate of working time is agreed in the employment contract. This means that the employee receives “447 euros” in his hands.
An employer can receive a state allowance for an employee for downtime:
For an employee under the age of 60:
- 90 percent. of the calculated salary, but not more than 607 euros.
- 70 percent. of the calculated salary, but not more than 910.5 euros.
For an employee age 60 or older:
- 100 percent. of the calculated salary, but not more than 607 euros.
- 70 percent. of the calculated salary, but not more than 910.5 euros.
This measure will remain in effect in 2021.
Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Coronavirus
Subsidies to employees who are already active. Subsidies to start work after downtime, as well as to hire the unemployed with support sent by the Employment Service or for an employer on the list of companies affected by COVID-19 compiled by the State Tax Inspectorate, can be pay 6 months for recovery from quarantine or 4 months, if the employee has a temporary or fixed-term employment contract.
This measure is only valid until 2020. December 31
Subsidies for hiring a new employee. An employer who has hired an employee assigned by the Employment Service can receive a state subsidy:
- 75 percent. of the salary calculated for the indefinite employment of the unemployed with disabilities, for whom up to 25% level of work capacity (severe level of disability). For people who have been granted refugee status or for people who have been granted subsidiary or temporary protection, up to 24 months.
- 60 percent. of the salary calculated after employing an unemployed person with a disability, for whom the level of work capacity is set between 30% and 40% (average level of disability), up to 24 months.
- 50 percent after hiring the unemployed with disabilities, for whom the level of work capacity (mild level of disability), unskilled, long-term, greater than 45 years of the calculated salary has been established. unemployed, former CN Ignalina employees entitled to additional job guarantees, unemployed under 29 years of age, unemployed starting work for the first time according to the qualification or acquired competence, pregnant women, unemployed raising a child under 8 years of age or a disabled child under 18 who returns from places of deprivation of liberty dependent on narcotic drugs, psychotropics and other psychoactive substances vacated. Duration: up to 6 months.
These subsidies are permanent measures to support employment.
Deferral of Sodra Contributions. During the quarantine period, companies may defer contributions to Sodra without interest or interest, these contributions will be deferred by those companies whose economic activity is restricted by decision of the Government.
Businesses affected by COVID-19 will be able to avoid paying premiums for the quarantine period and it will be possible to cover the resulting interest-free debt for a maximum period of 5 years.
This measure will remain in effect in 2021.
123RF.com nuotr./Pinigai
Relevant for the self-employed
Benefit for freelancers. The self-employed who have applied for a flat-rate benefit this year will receive it until the beginning of next year if they meet three conditions: have a registered activity for at least 3 months. Before the publication of the quarantine, the remuneration received under the employment contract or equivalent legal relationship does not exceed 607 euros “on paper” and, if it is a legal person, it cannot be declared bankrupt or liquidated.
From the beginning of next year, the self-employed will be able to claim a full monthly benefit of € 257 if they meet the following conditions:
- Activity recorded for at least 3 months. until the publication of the local or global quarantine.
- Due to restrictions on economic activities, the person is included in the list of Self-Employed Victims of COVID-19 restrictions published by the State Tax Inspection.
- The remuneration received by virtue of an employment contract or equivalent legal relationship does not exceed 607 euros “on paper”.
- If you are a legal entity, you cannot be in bankruptcy or liquidation.
Once the emergency or quarantine has ended, the benefit for the self-employed will continue to be paid for a month, after which it will be interrupted.
IMPORTANT! Until the end of the year, a self-employed person who receives a benefit will continue to receive it next year if their economic activity is restricted and is included in the list of self-employed affected by the COVID-19 restrictions published by the State Tax Inspection.
This measure will remain in effect in 2021.
Payments to small farmers. Small farmers with a holding of up to 4 ESU can still request a one-time or periodic payment of 200 EUR per month during the quarantine period. Municipalities accept applications until December 11.
This measure is only valid until 2020. December 31
Relevant for those who have lost their job
Subsidy for job search. Residents registered in the Employment Service who have been granted unemployment status can apply for the help: a temporary job search benefit, which can amount to 42 euros for those who already receive the regular social insurance benefit for unemployment or 200 euros for those who do not receive regular unemployment benefit.
This measure is only valid until 2020. December 31
Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Euros in cash
Social security benefit for unemployment. Residents who have completed at least 12 months of service in the two and a half years before losing their job can receive the usual social unemployment insurance benefit, which is paid for 9 months.
The unemployment insurance benefit is a permanent measure.
Relevant to children
Sickness benefits for the care of a sick child. When municipalities switch to distance education due to quarantine or the introduction of a regime that restricts the spread of infections, working parents, guardians, guardians and grandparents can receive sickness benefits amounting to 65.94% for the caring for children under 4 years old and children under 21 years old. . of the salary “on paper”. Benefits are paid for the duration of distance training due to quarantine or the introduction of a special regime to limit the spread of infections.
This measure will remain in effect in 2021.
More money for children for a wider circle of families. When assessing whether a family can have a child allowance of EUR 100 with a supplement, income from 3 months is taken into account instead of the previous 12 months. A low-income family is considered to be one in which the average monthly income per family member does not exceed 250 euros, excluding the child’s money and part of the salary, as well as job search benefits and social unemployment insurance. Such relief will be valid for an additional period of 6 months after the end of the emergency and quarantine. In 2021, a family will be considered indigent if its average income per family member does not exceed 256 euros per month.
The child’s money is expected to rise from 60 to 70 euros next year. The supplementary child benefit for children with disabilities, as well as for children from large or low-income families, will amount to EUR 41. This means that the child’s money with an additional benefit for children with disabilities, children from large or poor families will amount to 111 euros per month.
These changes will remain in effect in 2021.
Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Boy’s money
Lump Sums for Kids. The lump sum will be paid to children who will be entitled to child benefit from March 16 to December 31 of this year and who can apply for it within a period of 12 months, that is, until 2021. December 31 This means that if a child is born in December of this year, parents can request the child’s money until December of the following year. The lump sum will come with the money of the first child.
This measure is only valid until 2020. December 31
Relevant to low-income and seniors
Higher social benefits and compensation for heating costs. A person with financial difficulties can apply to his municipality for social assistance in cash: social benefits, compensation for heating and water costs.
Since June 1 of this year. the income limit for the right to social benefits has been increased from 125 euros to 137.5 euros, so that more people can receive social benefits in cash, as well as the amounts of social benefits and social benefits have been increased additional costs for employment, single people are reimbursed for higher heating costs. In 2021, the right to social benefits will be acquired by people whose average monthly income per person does not exceed 140.8 euros.
Available assets are temporarily not valued. This provision is valid for another 6 months. after an emergency and revocation of quarantine. At the end of this period, a permanent provision will take effect that if the value of a person’s or family’s property exceeds a certain threshold, the property will be discarded for 3 months when applying for cash welfare for the first time or 24 months after receive support.
These changes will remain in effect in 2021.
One-time benefit for the elderly, disabled, beneficiaries of social assistance benefits. A lump sum of € 200 is available for people who, for 2020, December 31, At least one of the following benefits paid by Sodra will be awarded: old age, disability pension (invalidity), widow’s pension, orphan or survivor, pension of retirement, compensation for special working conditions, pension or social assistance compensation, as well as a pension granted under international agreements or European regulations.
This measure is only valid until 2020. December 31