The owner of the demolished villa has presented his version: going to the end


After collecting some 200 signatures, the prosecution was asked to initiate a pre-trial investigation and order the building owner to restore what he had destroyed.

A. Dankowski ensures that everything from history is based on the manipulation of facts. The businessman, who was in an unenviable situation and earned the title of “enemy of the nation” and “terrorist”, presented his documented version of the state and value of this house.

Shopping became a headache

“I was going to settle in Žaliakalnis, Perkūnas Alley, which I walked through while training as a teenager,” A. Dankovskis from Kaunas, who is currently at the epicenter of the scandal, told the Delfi portal.

He said that he had previously lived at Minties Rato Street, a house marked 19, which he had fixed on his own.

“While living in an apartment, I looked for a long time to buy another house, because the family got bigger. By accident, friends suggested that a woman handle the property documents. and the house is going to be sold, because it is not from Kaunas, but from Vilnius. Half a year later, I bought a wooden house in Perkūno Alley, ”said A. Dankovskis.

Artūras Dankovskis

Artūras Dankovskis

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

The Kaunas resident mentioned that he immediately approached the City Municipality’s Department of Cultural Heritage, asking what steps should be taken to build a modern building in its place.

“The head of the department of cultural heritage told me that no valuable assets have been identified for this building and, according to a special plan, it is classified as a fourth cultural asset. So I asked how the fourth category could be assigned, although there are no valuable characteristics, ”said the Kaunas resident.

You have heard advice to contact the Cultural Heritage Assessment Board to identify or refine valuable properties.

Villa P. Ruseckas in Perkūno Alley

Villa P. Ruseckas in Perkūno Alley

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

Expert verdict: the authenticity was damaged by the annexes, the state of the building was emergency

In late 2015, the Kaunas City Royal Cultural Heritage Assessment Council, consisting of 10 certified members, decided that the building had no valuable properties and did not propose to include it in the Cultural Heritage Register.

This decision was made taking into account the heritage assessment of the building by Diana Pikšrienė, an expert from the Department of Cultural Heritage.

“After carrying out a visual architectural investigation of the building and evaluating the technical state, the following conclusions have been reached: the building does not have a clear and harmonious architectural composition, it does not have harmonious proportions, and this building is also in an emergency condition .

Villa P. Ruseckas in Perkūno Alley

Villa P. Ruseckas in Perkūno Alley

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

Current building in 2015 the situation does not correspond to the project drawn up by engineer A. Gordevičius in 1928, according to which this object was built.

This building also lacks a clear style, the authentic scheme of the plan has not survived: the building is surrounded by outbuildings (terraces and exterior stairs). The load-bearing structures of a building (walls and roof structures) are emergency and dangerous to use. Building depreciation – 70 percent. In my opinion, there are no valuable properties in this building ”, the minutes of the council meeting record the words of the expert who evaluated the building.

The document also mentions the conclusions of another expert A. Zeltinis that the wooden walls, ceilings and balconies of the wooden beams were affected by rot and the concrete foundations were broken.

However, the majority of the members of the appraisal board agreed with the view that the authenticity of the building had been destroyed by the annexes and did not require additional protection, and the decision was made not to inscribe it in the Heritage Register Cultural.

It is this decision and the experience of the building that is currently being used by A. Dankovskis, who began to demolish it.

Artūras Dankovskis

Artūras Dankovskis

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

The allegations are called distortion of facts

“If I received a heritage assessment that this building was really valuable, I would be honored to live in it, I definitely would not have destroyed it. Now I have a rotten building and the complete indifference of heritage conservationists, who do not allow anything and forbid everything, ”said the Kaunas public, who was publicly branded a“ terrorist ”.

What does Dankowski plan to do next when the interwar village begins to be demolished, but work stops and a troubled society demands a pre-trial investigation and rebuilding of the building?

The Kaunas resident said he intended to make the available documents public because, in his opinion, the public is misled.

“It is said that the bookseller P. Ruseckas lived here, although in reality he lived in a completely different house, to which a commemorative plaque was attached. They accuse me of demolishing an Art Deco-style building, although experts have found that this style it has not survived. Everyone complains that I am destroying without permission. After analyzing the laws, I did not need permission, because it is a special building, which is registered in the registry of the Registry Center, “said the Kaunas resident who bought the interwar village and demolished it.

Villa P. Ruseckas in Perkūno Alley

Villa P. Ruseckas in Perkūno Alley

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

When asked how he values ​​the demands of the public and authorities to rebuild the historic building, the owner said it was all excitement.

“Why wasn’t maintenance required for this building when it had been owned by the municipality for 50 years? Where were all those five years when I bought it? Everyone saw that the building was gone, rotting, so no one cared. Now it is simply a public relations campaign to earn dividends from the noise, to become meaningful, to receive attention. Why doesn’t anyone picket other modern houses on the same street? Why is the fact that I want to build an apartment building manipulated here? ”Asked the Kaunas resident.

Villa P. Ruseckas in Perkūno alley.  1956, photo by A. Vasiljev from the KTU ASI archive.

Villa P. Ruseckas in Perkūno alley. 1956, photo by A. Vasiljev from the KTU ASI archive.

I will go to the end, ruis enraged by a principled fight

Called destroyer of heritage and enemy of society, A. Dankovskis mentioned that it was necessary to demolish the emergency building.

“Think about what would happen if the children entered that building, a roof or a balcony fell on them. I would become the number one enemy of society. And now that the owner has taken action, I have become a barbarian and nobody delves into what the story was like, what was the indifference of the heritage department. I did not receive any of your offers to repair this building. And all my suggestions bounced back like a concrete wall, it was like a vicious circle: the building was an emergency, they offered me to initiate a special adjustment of the plan, although a natural person could not do it, “said A. Dankovskis.

Villa P. Ruseckas in Perkūno Alley

Villa P. Ruseckas in Perkūno Alley

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

The Kaunas resident said that he himself had stopped the demolition works, not the state institutions, as was publicly announced. He said he had not yet received any documents ordering the demolition of the interwar village.

The Kaunas resident, who was in an unenviable situation, said he was ready to go to the end. According to him, it will be a fight in principle.

“I am a determined enough person, I will definitely not give up. My conscience and the documents I have are correct. Let those people who criticize me imagine in my situation having a rotten house where they cannot live.

If there was an Art Deco brick building here, I would make it the kind of ‘candy’ I made with a house on Minties Street for a while, “said A. Dankovskis, who bought the villa built between the wars and started demolishing it. .

Villa P. Ruseckas in Perkūno Alley

Villa P. Ruseckas in Perkūno Alley

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

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