The opposition was outraged that L. Kasčiūnas, who was in isolation, had the opportunity to participate in the Seimas session.


Members of the Seimas should not be surprised to see the vote of L. Kasčiūnas, although he is not present in the Chamber, warned the conservative Jurgis Razma, who is chairing the session.

He assured that L. Kasčiūnas was isolated and that he had the opportunity to vote from the Seimas booth.

However, the opposition was outraged by such a report.

“Of the rulers, Kasčiūnas had the opportunity to isolate himself and vote, were the opposition representatives informed about such a possibility?” Asked the “peasant” Valius Ąžuolas.

Remigijus Žemaitaitis, president of the Freedom and Justice Party, recalled that people in self-isolation are prohibited from leaving the home, which is punishable by a fine of 500 to 1,500 euros.

“What the hell are you doing?” Asked R. Žemaitaitis.

What the hell are you doing?

“I’m not talking about those who are in mandatory self-isolation. We are talking about cases in which a member of Seimas himself thinks he may have had inappropriate contacts, but has no such official warning. (…) For those who are in involuntary isolation, yes, the procedure established in the Operations Manual will be applied. (…) We are going to separate it “, taught J. Razma.

L. Kasčiūnas himself 15 minutes He explained that he had voluntarily isolated himself after having contact with an employee of the office of the Committee of Defense and National Security infected with COVID-19.

“The Seimas has organized an opportunity for all the members of the Seimas, who, I emphasize, are in self-isolation, that opportunity,” he explained, saying that he entered the Seimas building by an emergency elevator without contact with his colleagues.

I don’t know if the opposition was at least interested in such an opportunity. Whoever wants to do his job is interested.

L. Kasčiūnas estimated that almost six days have passed since the contact with the sick clerk, and a negative test was taken on Monday.

However, he acknowledged that self-isolation cannot be broken, as it would take fourteen or ten days after contact to receive a negative result.

He doubts that members of the opposition are interested in such an opportunity to work, even if they are isolated.

“It just came to us then. I don’t know if the opposition was at least interested in such an opportunity. Anyone who wants to do their job is interested,” he explained.
