Guillaume Souvant (AFP / Scanpix) nuotr.
The first batch of the coronavirus vaccine from the American manufacturer Moderna, approved by the European Medicines Agency (EVA), is expected to arrive next week. However, the estimated number of doses for this batch has not yet been published.
Gytis Andrulionis, head of the State Drug Control Service (VVKT), told LRT television on Wednesday that the logistics and delivery schedule and the quantity of the vaccine had already been agreed with Modernos.
G. Andrulionis reported that this manufacturer’s vaccine will arrive in Lithuania from Spain. The first party, he said, is very realistic to look forward to next week. In late January and summer, delivery of new batches of modern vaccines is expected. At the same time, your additional delivery schedule will be coordinated.
So next week, the vaccination is likely to start with a product made by Modernos.
Although the IWT manager acknowledged that the first and subsequent batches of this vaccine had been harmonized, he did not disclose it, assuming that it was at least confidential information to the extent that it does not compromise the logistics of vaccine supply.
Lithuania has reserved at least 0.5 million. dose Modern vaccines with the possibility of increasing by.
So far, this is almost three and a half times the number of doses reserved for BioNTech and Pfizer, at least 1.8 million. dose. The EVA permit for the latest vaccine was issued in December and it was sent to Lithuania from Belgium for almost two weeks and is already being vaccinated by doctors.
To date, Lithuania has delivered around 40,000 doses of the BioNTech / Pfizer vaccine and agreed to deliver at least 20,000 doses each week in January, February and March.
On Wednesday, EVA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) recommended the distribution of the coronavirus vaccine developed by Moderna.
The EEA recommended that a conditional marketing authorization be granted for a modern COVID-19 vaccine containing 18 years of age of coronavirus disease in 2019, according to a report by the Amsterdam-based agent.
According to clinical trials involving 30,400 people, the efficacy of the Modern vaccine from the American company is 94.1% compared to the placebo group.
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