The milk stars led by E. Želionis crushed the people of Šiauliai


5 wins in 6 games. At this rate, Pasvalys milk stars (6/5) march in the Betsafe-LKL championship. Edgar Želionis directed by Pasvalys at home 87:64 (20:20, 22:12, 20:17, 23:15) defeated Šiauliai (2/8).

The Milk Stars, who started the difficult season, are moving up the rankings rapidly and are now in fifth place.

“Šiauliai” lost again after two victories in a row and did not rise from tenth position. For Pasvalys, E.Želionis scored 22 points, bounced 13 balls and scored 37 utility points.

Pieno Žvaigždės won the fight for the balls 43:29 and had 27 assists. Elvaras Fridriksson scored 15 points for Šiauliai.

He said his word “milk stars” in the second half. The 8: 0 blast gave him a double digit lead (39:29). Impressively Pasvalys was pushed forward by E.Želionis, who racked up 21 utility points before the break.

The Milk Star kept their lead until the long break (42:32).

Pasvalys people kept increasing their speed, and E.Želionis’ accurate long shots became another headache for the guests. After melting the 20-point lead, Šiauliai gave himself hope before the decisive stage (62:49).

Still, in the fourth quarter, the Pasvalys people were stronger. “Šiauliai” tried to get close to a single digit lead (71:59), but managed to stem the storm.

“Milk stars”: Edgaras Želionis 22 (13th rev. Cam., 5 res. Passes, 37 us.

Šiauliai: Elvaras Fridriksson 15 (8 outbursts, 5 errors), Arminas Urbutis and Andy Van Vlietas (7 rebounds) after 11, Denis Krestininas 10, Gediminas Orelikas 9 (2/6 triples).

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