The military battery in Melnrage clings to the sea: the fate of a dangerous bunker, in the hands of nature


“Danger zone. Stay away!” These messages are posted in the Melnrage bunker. These notices were posted by the Klaipeda Township Public Order Department to warn beach visitors.

As the sand washed the building, the ingots hidden underground broke open, some parts as if they were suspended in the air. Now you can also see sewer pipes or overhanging electrical cables. All this was washed away by the sea, washing the sand. Klaipėda residents recall that a couple of decades ago, this building seemed to be trapped in the dunes, and now the picture has fundamentally changed: the bunker seems to be sinking into the sea. When there are strong waves, you have to make an arc through the dunes, because it becomes impossible to go through this place, the waves can catch your head.

Trash mattresses and homeless people can be seen in the abandoned bunker. A disaster was caught here last year, when the winds and waves began to cause the homeless to simply go to jail, led by firefighters.

Fate will be decided by nature

How 15 minutes said Laisvūnas Kavaliauskas, Chief State Inspector of the Klaipėda Territorial Division of the Department of Cultural Heritage, this battery was built by the Germans around 1942 and was intended to protect the water area of ​​the port by firing ships. Later they were used by the Soviet border guards. The destinations were varied. L. Kavaliauskas recalled seeing the potatoes and beets stored in the Smiltyne bunker.

“The whole problem here is that all those objects north of the water area just wash away, the currents wash the shore. I have photos of the local historian Vytautas Tamošiūnas, who photographed the Giruliai battery 60 years ago, and in the photos she is all in the dunes. In 60 years, the spring has receded and today we have a different picture. Both Melnragė and part of Giruliai’s batteries fell. The erosion of the sea is high.

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / The bunker in Melnrags is constantly washed by the sea and has become dangerous.

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / The bunker in Melnrags is constantly washed by the sea and has become dangerous.

We have been debating how to protect, but to date there are no suggestions. It would be difficult to save and a similar situation abroad. The Atlantic line, where allied soldiers, American and English climbed, is a powerful line with bunkers and concrete batteries, unfortunately the sea and time play their part. Yes, here in Melnrage, some communications, water supply, electricity inputs have even been opened, ”said L. Kavaliauskas.

When asked if one day the bars hanging in the air would not fall, the heritage conservationist admitted that this could happen.

“I’m afraid it will fall …” he said.

Some communications, water supply, electricity inputs have even been opened, – said L. Kavaliauskas.

According to him, there have been discussions and proposals to protect this type of objects by building buns, piers that go from the coast to the sea, which would stabilize the shore and trap the sand that the currents carry to the Latvian side, but the buns do. I do not give beauty to the beach.

“The Königsberg areas are those piers by the sea. Visually, it is definitely not pretty. If we remember the Old Bridge of Palanga, under it were stones. As soon as they were moved during reconstruction, the shore began to radically shrink and the sand began to creep in. When the stones were returned, it stabilized the situation.

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / The bunker in Melnrags is constantly washed by the sea and has become dangerous.

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / The bunker in Melnrags is constantly washed by the sea and has become dangerous.

Coastal managers, conservationists familiar with marine and natural processes should provide versions here. From what I can see, there has been a debate for 30 years, but there is no solution. The position of the regional park is that it is about natural, unstoppable processes.

Specifically, with regard to the Dutch hat, it is estimated that in a hundred years the cliff will approach the road leading to Karklė today, ”said the heritage conservationist.

According to L. Kavaliauskas, there were proposals to demolish the menacing battery found in Melnrage, but it is an interesting engineering structure and there are not many.

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / The bunker in Melnrags is constantly washed by the sea and has become dangerous.

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / The bunker in Melnrags is constantly washed by the sea and has become dangerous.

“Perhaps what is happening is a natural sequence. Another language is that people should be warned not to crack in open spaces so that they do not collapse ”, emphasized L. Kavaliauskas.

There are also remains of ingots in Karklė

Darius Nicius, the manager of Seaside Regional Park, also recalled the discussion about the fate of such objects that took place a few years ago.

As for the Holland hat, it is estimated that a hundred years from now, that cliff will approach the road leading to Karklė today.

“It just came to our notice then. The military bunker that is located in Melnrage falls on a stretch of beach and the municipality is responsible for its potential danger. Active processes of the shore board take place here, as the pier lengthens and currents are formed in that place. There are also fragments and ingots in the territory of our park near the military fortifications of Memel Nord. There have not only been bunkers here, but also fields where the cannons were.

There were several ideas: whether to get rid of it or not, or to scrap it. Since there is a wild beach on the territory of the Klaipeda district, the status of the beach has not been recorded, so it has been maintained. Representatives of cultural heritage say that it is an integral part of military buildings. The discussion is, as in Melnrage, whether to protect, to make buns so that they are not washed, because nature is attacking them, or to dismantle them at all ”, said D. Nicius.

The sea is on the shore

Vitalijus Juška, Head of the Department of Heritage Protection of the Municipality of Klaipėda 15 minutes He said that this bunker is not included in the register of cultural values, it is not declared well protected.

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / The bunker in Melnrags is constantly washed by the sea and has become dangerous.

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / The bunker in Melnrags is constantly washed by the sea and has become dangerous.

“There were several single ring anti-aircraft batteries around the then Memel. When we considered which drummer to include in the register of cultural values, Smiltyne’s drummer, which is being prepared for adaptation, stood out. And for Melnrage, no such decision was made, it was simply left to natural processes, although a detailed plan was prepared maybe 4-5 years ago and the battery seemed to be mechanized in it, an opportunity was provided for commercial activities. A detailed plan has been drawn up, but natural conditions have not been fully taken into account.

Seeing the fierce demolition of the shoreline, the disintegration due to maritime activity, I think the city should really put that money into protecting really valuable objects. It is necessary to understand what this verse is, how much money would be needed to stabilize the condition of the battery so that the sea no longer washes away, – said V. Juška.

– When considering what to do, we remember the example of Liepaja. Today, most of that battery is at sea. Latvians don’t really make a big tragedy because of this, there are warning signs that it is not safe to visit, appealing to people’s consciences. Using that example, we decided at the time that there were enough ‘STOP’ signs indicating that it was not safe to climb, but to this day, a rescue is not being considered. “

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ruined fortress on the shores of the Baltic Sea

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ruined fortress on the shores of the Baltic Sea

V.Juška stated that the bullion is not worth liquidating, because the battery has a certain historical value, so there is no correct way to destroy them. Nearby, in Giruliai, there is a defeated Kukuliškės battery, where excursions are organized and educational projects are carried out.

According to V.Juška, the battery found in Melnrage is an indicator of how fast the coast is changing, and in the future, the house located here may also be threatened.

“One way or another, the state should be concerned about this, because even the houses that are closer to each other can suffer, the sea is approaching the Melnrage settlement, it is time to take more active coastal management measures on this stretch. More serious hydrotechnical solutions are needed so that the sea does not continue to conquer the land, ”said V. Juška.
