The total amount of European support for Lithuania in the new financial perspective amounts to 14.5 billion. euros That’s 1.7 billion. more than in 2014-2020.
Based on documents and information from Lithuanian institutions, the BNS news agency presents the most relevant indicators for Lithuania:
1. Recovery fund. The new fund will be established with the European Commission borrowing € 750 billion from the markets. Euros Of this, 390 billion will be provided as non-reimbursable support to the states. the rest will be provided in the form of loans. 2.4 billion is planned for Lithuania. The country may borrow € 3 billion from the fund. euros After negotiations between the Member States, the amounts are lower than those proposed by the European Commission in May.
2. Agriculture. Direct payments to Lithuanian farmers will increase from the current € 177 per hectare to € 200 in 2022. Thereafter, profits are expected to increase slightly each year according to a complex formula that approximates the EU average. There is a condition that in 2027 the minimum payment will be 215 euros per hectare.
3. Cohesion support. The so-called cohesion support allocated to Lithuania to reduce the backwardness of the poorest regions is decreasing as economic indicators get closer to the EU average. The essential provisions did not change during the management negotiations:
* A fuse is provided so that the reduction cannot exceed 24%.
* Emigration compensation remains, which can be used by Lithuania and Latvia. For Lithuania, it should reach about 180 million. euros
* Up to 85% of EU funding will be available. project quantities This provision would apply to one of the two regions of Lithuania, the one with the lowest economic indicators and not including Vilnius. In the Vilnius region, EU funds could cover up to 40%. project quantities
4. Dismantling of the Ignalina nuclear power plant. In 2021-2027, 490 million euros are foreseen for the closure of the Ignalina nuclear power plant. Lithuania would have to contribute 14 percent. your budget.
5. Königsberg Transit. The EU will allocate 189 million LTL to Lithuania. to implement the so-called Special Transit Scheme, which is used by Russian citizens traveling through Lithuania between the main part of Russia and the Königsberg region.
Other important provisions:
* the budget is still a reference to the Rail Baltica railway project
* 1,500 million euros for military mobility to manage roads and bridges for military logistics.