The latest information on COVID-19 in Rokiškis district


Since March. fixed cases – 413

Currently in treatment – 270

New cases – 3. 4

Considered healthy – 136

He died – 7. Two people died from COVID-19 and five from other chronic diseases, but they also had the COVID-19 infection.

Chimneys – educational institutions – in the buildings of the Old Palace of the Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas Gymnasium and the Progymnasium of the Old Town of Rokiškis, located on M. Romerio Street, Rokiškis Basic School, Rokiškis District. Universal multifunctional center pantry, many family fireplaces.

The largest fireplaces in the area. – Rokiškis district public institutions and Rokiškis public institutions psychiatric hospitals: the virus is still spreading and spreading.

The last fireplace – Rokiškis street home for the elderly of the parish of the parish of the Apostle Evangelist Matthew. NVSC, together with the district municipal administration, reacted immediately to this situation, so today all residents and employees of the residences who are not self-isolated will be investigated.

It is important: Those who receive a positive COVID-19 test should immediately report it to the NVSC and their workplace, and children to educational institutions.

In hearts
