Since March. fixed cases – 322
Currently in treatment – 220
New cases – twenty
Considered healthy – 97
He died – 5. One person died from COVID-19 infection, four people died from other chronic diseases, but COVID-19 infection was also infected.
Chimneys – educational institutions – Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas Gymnasium Old Palace and Rokiškis Old Town Progymnasium buildings, located on M. Romerio street, school-kindergarten “žuoliukas”, “Gimtasis Rokiškis”, “Sodra”, Public Institution Family Psychiatric Hospital of Rokiškis chimneys. The largest fireplace in the district is the Rokiškis District Hospital.
2020 December 3 In case of risk of spread of the disease COVID-19 (coronavirus infection), a regime is introduced that restricts the spread of infections in the educational institutions of the municipality of the Rokiškis district: the educational process is implemented through the remote organization of the educational process.
It is important: Those who receive a positive COVID-19 test should immediately report it to their workplace and their children to educational institutions.