The last Russian complex, Navodchik-2, was first registered in Donbass


The first texts (without photographs) on the use of the Navodchik-2 ground management complex appeared in Report No. 272/2020, presented in 2020 November 14 It was stated that, according to updated data from the mission, an example of equipment that OSCE Follow-up Mission Report No. 268/2020 was designated as a “RB-341В“ Leer-3 ”radio-electronic combat complex, later, after a more detailed analysis, it was determined that it is a“ Navodčik-2 ”ground control complex.

The international intelligence community InformNapalm has received visual confirmation of this textual information. Thanks to the photo of the drone, it was possible to confirm that the last Russian complex “Navodchik-2” is actually used in Donbass. In the control station there were also three boxes to store and transport drones.

This information is crucial for the development of the multilingual InformNapalm evidence base, a section of which is dedicated to capturing Russian equipment and weapons that are actively used in Donbass.

VIDEO: Video report of what is happening on the front lines from the Lugansk region to Paazovje.

Navodčik-2 “and RB-341V” Read-3 “

It is important to note that, unlike the Navodchik-2, which was first registered in Donbass, the Russian RB-341V Leer-3 complex with three Orlan-10 drones has been repeatedly seen in the combat zone of eastern Ukraine. It has been mentioned frequently in InformNapalm OSINT surveys since 2015 and in 2018-2020. quite frequently it is included in the reports of the OSCE follow-up mission.

This type of equipment was also included in the InformNapalm report with evidence of the presence of the Russian army in Donbass, which was presented by the Ukrainian parliamentary delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Istanbul in 2016, as well as in other international organizations in 2016-2019. Posts on the use of the RB-341V Leer-3 in busy Donbass, based on InformNapalm’s research, were also published on the pages of the German tabloid Bild and the Associated Press. Therefore, this complex as an element of the empirical base is already well known.

Stop shooting a video of Russian propagandists in 2015 showing the training of Russian terrorist units of the 1st Army Corps of the Russian Armed Forces in Donbass. The Russian radio-electronic combat complex RB-341V “Leer-3” accidentally entered the frame.

As for the Navodchik-2 complex, it was only mentioned once in the reports from the battle zone in Donbas: in view of the April 2017 unmanned environment of the Granat-1 in the Svetlorado district, which is part of this complex . However, the identification of this type of drones is not an absolute proof of the use of the entire complex, since these drones are also used separately.

For example, in 2015. InformNapalm recorded the use of unmanned Granat-1 and Granat-2 units by Russian terrorist forces in Donbass. Photographic evidence with geolocation was found during the study of material related to the territory of the Kuzminski landfill in the Rostov region of the Russian Federation. This is proven in 2014. December. The Russian Defense Ministry has taught terrorists to use Granat-2 drones during hostilities in Donbass.

Photo of the InformNapalm OSINT study included in the book Donbas v ogne, which was distributed in 5 languages ​​in 82 countries.


Since the OSCE observers initially made a mistake in their daily report when identifying the equipment, but after some time provided clarifications, it can be emphasized that a characteristic feature of the Navodchik-2 complex is its location on the chassis of the KamAZ- truck. 4350. 4X4 layout), while the Russian complex RB-341V Leer-3 is on the KamAZ-5350 chassis (6X6 wheel layout).

Russia used Navodchik-2 actively against military base 102 in Armenia against Donbass

The Navodchik-2 complex was handed over to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2014. It was immediately dispatched to Armenia at the 102nd Russian military base in Gyumri.

Since then, information about the use of this complex both in the Russian media and on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has been limited to Armenia. Only a few times was this complex mentioned during an exercise on the territory of the Fourth Military Base of the Russian Federation, deployed in the occupied Tskhinvali region of Georgia.

The complex consists of:


This article presents unique and important data, evidence of the secret military activities of the Russian Federation in the occupied Donbass part of Ukraine. The military aggression of the Russian Federation began in 2014. in the spring and continues to this day, despite public denial by the Russian political-military leadership of its involvement in direct hostilities in eastern Ukraine.

The international intelligence community InformNapalm draws the attention of a wide audience, experts, diplomats, journalists, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and representatives of Ukraine in international organizations, and proposes to make the most of the reports of the follow-up missions of the OSCE and InformNapalm OSINT research material to exert international diplomatic pressure on the aggressor. This would help strengthen sanctions and other political measures that will contribute to achieving a real peace, which is only possible after the withdrawal of Russian troops, weapons and equipment and their mercenaries from Ukrainian territory.

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