The granite pavement on Maironio street will be repaired crossing Laisvės alley, traffic limits


“The granite pavement was laid at this location last November. It is now clear that the air temperature at that time was too low and therefore did not support the seams of the lining. Laisvės Alley is a representative street of the city, so there cannot be any defect. We apologize for the additional inconvenience to drivers and pedestrians, we hope you understand. In turn, we will draw conclusions from this experience that in the future we can avoid such unforeseen concerns, “said Aloyzas Pakalniškis, Head of the City Administration Division of the Kaunas Municipality Administration.

According to him, these works will not cost the city anything extra: the contractor will have to cover the granite again with his own resources and fill the seams with a special putty. Continuing quarantine and reducing traffic flows are not expected to cause significant inconvenience to drivers due to repairs.

The report of the municipality of the city of Kaunas recalls that public transport does not circulate on Maironio Street, therefore, its routes will not change. Until the pavement defect on this street that emerged after winter is resolved, car drivers are encouraged to choose alternative routes: driving on A. Mickevičius and other streets.

For maximum durability, the granite pavement joint spaces at the intersection of Laisvės Alley and Maironio Street are filled with a special material. These jobs also require a favorable air temperature. The reinforced coating will be more resistant to traffic loads and will last longer.

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