The first smoking bans on the balconies of metropolitan apartment buildings will go into effect in February


According to Adomas Bužinskas, Deputy Director of the Vilnius Municipality Administration, some 170 objections and other inquiries related to smoking on balconies were received during the first weeks of January.

“Only isolated objections refer to the same apartment building. The vast majority are due to different apartment buildings, but there are objections to smoking in two-apartment, administrative, recreational or other buildings that are not apartment buildings but have apartments. In buildings where there are apartments, but those buildings are not apartment buildings, the insurance does not apply, ”explained A. Bužinskas.

According to him, the director of the municipal administration of the capital has already banned smoking on the balconies of 28 apartment buildings, the ban will take effect on February 5.

According to Raimundas Endrikis, Head of the Kaunas Municipality’s Department of Housing Modernization, Administration and Energy, the municipality has currently received 24 objections regarding smoking on the balconies.

“All the objections are from different apartment buildings. Orders are currently being drafted to ban eight houses from smoking on balconies, ”he said.

According to R. Endrikis, the first bans will take effect on February 10.

The municipality of the port city informed BNS that it had received 13 objections to smoking on the balconies of apartment buildings, submitted by residents of different apartment buildings.

According to Marius Pankevičius, Senior Advisor to the Public Order Division of the Klaipėda Municipal Administration, the smoking ban in two apartment buildings will come into effect on 8 February.

“Other reports are still under consideration,” he said.

Since the beginning of this year, the provisions of the law that establish the prohibition of smoking on the balconies of apartment buildings have come into force when at least one resident of the house objects.

In this case, there should be signs prohibiting smoking on the balconies near or inside the apartment building. This must be done by the administrator of the building, community or municipality.

Unless neighbors object, smokers must ensure that smoke does not enter the premises of other occupants of the house.

In case of infringement, the owner of the smoking room must provide the officers with the smoker’s data (name and residence address) and will be fined if he refuses to do so.

A person who smokes on the balcony of an unauthorized apartment is subject to a warning or a fine of between 20 and 50 euros, and in the case of repeated offenses, between 50 and 90 euros. Property owners who do not provide details of a smoker face a fine of € 30-60 and, for repeated violations, € 60-120.

The acts of violations can be drawn up not only by the police, but also by public order officials of municipal administrations.
