The fight for electricity consumers: two new suppliers and a comparison of offers


As you know, as of December 10 of this year, only those consumers who consume more than 5 thousand. kilowatt hours (417 kWh / month). However, those who consume less can already choose not to receive services from a public provider (Ignitis).

Therefore, the analysis examines three cases. According to the first, the home consumes an average of 100 kWh of electricity per month, according to the second, 250 kWh, and according to the third, 450 kWh.

It is from the approximate consumption of kWh that the supplier selection analysis should begin. It will depend on which proposed plans will be compared to each other. Another important option is the rates for one or two time zones. As electricity is cheaper at night and on weekends, it is advisable that those who consume a significant part of it opt ​​for tariffs of two time zones at that time.

The final electricity bill will also be affected by whether the consumer chooses fixed or variable prices. Independent providers still offer discounts when signing contracts for a longer period, but this analysis does not evaluate this. The green energy option is also not taken into account: some providers do not charge anything, others offer to pay extra per kWh or per month.

100 kWh per month

Consumers of about 100 kWh per month until 2023 can stay with a public provider or choose between independent ones: Elektrum Lietuva, Enefit, Ignitis, Inregnum, Perlas energija.

In November, Birštonas elektra and Egto energija were added to this list. According to data from the Registry of Legal Entities, the shareholder of Birštonas Elektros is Edita Gudelevičienė, and according to Sodra, this small company has no employees. Egto energija belongs to Edvinas Pranciulis and Egidijus Rutkauskas and has 5 employees.

VERT for 2021 Ignitis set the price of 14.1 ct / kWh for users of the “Standard” plan for one time zone, that is, 0.54 ct more than this year.

Comparing the standard single time zone rate plans of all providers, consuming 100 kWh per month, both Ignitis and Perlo Energija would present the same bills of 14.1 euros.

It is true that according to the Nord Pool exchange from January to October 2020, 100 kWh of Inregnum would cost even less – 13.6 euros, but the prices of this provider change every hour and no fixed plan is offered, so the analysis compares it to around 450 kWh per month.

Egto energija would continue to queue with a monthly bill of 14.55 euros, Enefit (choosing fixed rates) with 14.67 euros, Elektrum with 14.69 euros.

Ignitis as an independent supplier would exceed the threshold of 15 EUR (15.1 EUR), Perlo Energija with a variable rate (15.4 EUR), Enefit with a variable rate (15.49 EUR) and the latter Birštonas electricity ”- 15.8 euros with variable and 15.87 euros with fixed.

250 kWh per month

Consumers of 250 kWh per month (3000 kWh) per year are entering the second wave of market liberalization and must choose an independent provider by December 10, 2021. They are subject to provider plan offers under the names “Homes “, etc.

Two scenarios were tested comparing offers at 250 kWh per month. Rates for one time zone were applied for one, two for 150 kWh for days and 100 kWh for nights.

In a time zone, supplier offers are organized as follows: Enefit variable (EUR 33.24), Perlas energija variable (EUR 34), Birštonas elektra variable (EUR 34.65), Ignitis at 2021 prices ( EUR 34, 75 euros), Egto energija (35.38 euros), Fixed Enefit (35.68 euros), Ignitis Offer (36.75 euros), Birštonas elektra fixed (37 euros), Fixed energija pearls (37.25 euros) ) and Elektrum (38.24 euros).

The order of the bids in the two time zones looks as follows: Enefit variable (€ 32.54), Birštonas elektra variable (€ 33.13), Perlas energija variable (€ 33.3), Ignitis at 2021 prices (34 , 2 euros), Enefit fixed (34.98 euros), Egto energija (35.17 euros), Birštonas elektra fixed (36.09 euros), Ignitis offer (36.5 euros), Perlas Energija fixed (36.7 euros ) and Elektrum (37.57 euros).

450 kWh per month

Consuming 450 kWh per month or 5.4 thousand. kWh per year, an independent supplier must be selected before December 10 of this year. Otherwise, starting at the beginning of next year, the price of electricity will be recalculated monthly, taking into account the average price on the stock market of the previous month and applying a coefficient of 1.25.

It is important to note that if a consumer still wants to buy electricity from Ignitis in 2021, they would still have to sign a new contract, as with an independent supplier (now the contract is with the public). In your “Dynamic” plan, the price changes every month.

Consuming this amount of electricity, the analysis also includes Inregnum’s offer. This supplier sells electricity on the basis of hourly prices in the Scandinavian Nord Pool. The comparison uses the average price from January to October 2020 used on the company’s website.

By the way, this formula is also used in Egto Energija’s “Fair” offer, but it does not indicate the total electricity tariff, so it is not included in the analysis.

Thus, the offers are worded as follows: Enefit variable (EUR 55.79), Perlas energija variable (EUR 57.55), Inregnum (EUR 57.57), Birštonas elektra variable (EUR 58.52), Ignitis en 2021 (EUR 61.35), Egto energija (EUR 62.03), Enefit fixed (EUR 62.57), Ignitis Dynamic (EUR 63.45), Ignitis Offer (63.75 euros), “Perlas energija” fixed ( 63.85 euros), fixed “Birštonas elektra” (64.14 euros) and “Elektrum” (66.21 euros).

Ignitis, as a public provider, also offers a Smart plan with rates for four time zones, but this requires the installation of a smart meter, which is paid.

More independent vendors may emerge at any time in the future. After losing a competitive battle, some of them may close.

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