
Famous illustrator Dr. Kazimieras Sventickas has died. Photo of Elta
The luminance of the Alytus region, which was in its 75th year, was caused by a coronavirus infection – she was treated in the specialized department for COVID-19 coronavirus infections at S. Kudirka Hospital in Alytus County, then transferred to the Vilnius Santara Clinics. According to his relatives, he was severely tortured by the disease since November 23; died on December 8.
K.Sventickas was born in 1946. March 14 Delnica Village, Šeštokai Elderhood, Lazdijai District. The childhood years were spent in the Tomsk region. 1973 Graduated from Vilnius State University, Faculty of Economics, degree – economist. 1988 He defended his dissertation at the Faculty of Economics of the Lithuanian Academy of Agriculture. He has published his scientific works, articles and political ideas in the regional and republican press, and is the author of numerous books.
The Doctor of Social Sciences K. Sventickas devoted a lot of energy and energy to social activities, he was the director of the civic initiative society “Mūsų Dzūkija”, one of the founders of the Alytus “Vizija” Researchers Association, member of the club Alytus Dzūkija LIONS, one of the Alytus civic movement, Kurnėnaiuky Laurynas the founders of the school society and one of its most active members, fought for the preservation of this school as historical heritage. He managed to rejoice at the result of his hard work: the school was renovated and revived.
“K. Sventick, author of many scientific and educational publications, aroused public awareness and decency because he himself was a man of high morals, fighting for himself and inviting others to have meaningful insight. Yet even in the bolder visions, we could not imagine that his life would be ruined by a pandemic …, said Professor Dr. Aldona Vilkelienė, member of the scientific society “Vizija”, about her colleague.
“Without him, Alytus will be much emptier,” said friends and comrades who knew K. Sventickas. K. Sventick really knew how to share. Kindness, knowledge, civic initiative.
Kazimieras Sventickas’s brother, a well-known literary critic Valentinas Sventickas, said: “When we returned from Lithuania to Siberia in 1957, we had 6 children in the family. With Kazimieras, we learned to read Lithuanian by grazing geese. It was only after completing compulsory education at Šeštokai High School that he decided that his parents’ life should be easier: he entered the agricultural technical school. Not because I really wanted to, but because there was a dorm and a scholarship. Thus he came out to his own independent life. But later, in fact, the land became very attached to those lands, and the forests took care of it both in their works and in their writings. All his social activities were so developed that even the people of Alytus could not be surprised at how much he managed to do in societies, clubs and charities, as well as at the Radziukynas school and Punia šilas. I can’t even imagine where he got his patience and time. He was excited about those things all the time and could do what he could. From his writings I remembered a saying so brief but very characteristic of him: “Do what you can where you are.” That’s how he lived. “