The failed politician keeps clowning around in court


Antanas Kandrotas from Kaunas, who is trying to enter the Seimas with the Lithuanian Defenders Union and is trying to enter the Seimas, is furious at the Kaunas Regional Court, but has already received sanctions.

They also tease him in court

“The facts turned out to be such that it was simply necessary to leave a message and make public the situation that happened today”, presents A. Kandrotas, who called himself Celofan, his video work “The Prosecutor asks to arrest Celofan.”

“Hello ladies and gentlemen. Okay, I’ll insert those nose pads to see that they protect my nose. I don’t know how many of them you see. See? You see,” the video shows A. Kandrotas sticking something up his nose.

The action takes place in the lobby of the Kaunas Regional Courthouse. This court hears criminal cases in which A. Kandrotas is tried for financial machinations.

In accordance with the procedure established by the Government, indoors a medical mask, respirator or other means that covers the nose and mouth must be worn. A.Kandrotas chooses the part of the instruction – other means and establishes that his nose is covered in the way that is shown in the video material and the virus will not pass through it. The mouth remained. “I’ll stick it up and cover it up,” Kandrotas demonstrates how the mouth is likely to be stuck with two pieces of duct tape. True, she admits that speaking is difficult, which is why the tape sticks to her lower lip.

A.Kandrotas, supposedly covering his nose and mouth in accordance with the government order, marches towards a court employee, who explains that he has complied with the government’s order, but states that he refuses to measure the temperature. The temperature measurement for each person arriving at the Kaunas Regional Court is provided according to the internal rules of the court.

Will there be fines?

In the video material, A.Kandrotas expresses his opinion on the alleged excessive requirements to cover the nose and mouth. Cellophane is outraged that mandatory vaccination is required or that only red shoes should come to court.

According to the court ruling, A. Candrotas must pay a fine of 250 euros and will be taken to the next hearing. (Photo by Laimis Steponavičius)

After such a spectacle, the court did not tear apart and called the police to A. Candrot. The officials questioned the defendant in the Kaunas Regional Court Chamber. Understandably, A.Kandrotas did not attend the scheduled hearing of the criminal case, but, understand, he showed willingness to come, but was not admitted.

A.Kandrotas uploaded several videos about Celofan’s adventures in court. In summer, Celofan went to court wearing a panda mask, but A. Kandrotas did not hesitate to attend the meeting of the Central Election Commission in August wearing a medical mask. At the aforementioned meeting, A.Kandrotas represented the party “Union of Fighters for Lithuania” and the leader of this party, V. Šustauskas.

The court seems to be the place that Cellophane might consider suitable for experiments. On this occasion, A. Kandrot must pay a fine of 250 euros for the experiment.

By not allowing you to measure the temperature and not being admitted to the courtroom, it is considered that you did not attend the scheduled hearing. Ovidijus Vasiliauskas, the prosecutor of the Kaunas District 2 District Prosecutor’s Office, asked the court to change the pre-trial detention measure to arrest A.Kandrot.

One in three defendants so strange. It is not a miracle here.


According to the court ruling, A. Kandrot will not only have to pay the fine of 250 euros. It will have to be brought to the next court hearing. Another series on how to bring Cellophane to court on the jutube is likely to appear.

Prosecutor O. Vasiliauskas, who supports the state prosecution in two A. Kandrotas cases, says that the basis for his request for the arrest of A. Kandrot was provided by the defendant himself.

“He did not attend a hearing. He did not attend the next hearing the same day, he told a lawyer that he was sick. He was satisfied if he continues playing.”

Much to Celofan’s resentment, his behavior is not seen by the prosecutor as exceptional. “Such a strange defendant – every third. There is a miracle here he is. He wants to show that he is smarter than others, he wants to appear in his environment. I hope the next hearing will take place”, – the situation was not dramatized by The prosecutor.

Such cellophane measures in court could be considered as a delay of the case, but, according to the prosecutor, there is little benefit from it, because the crimes are not that old and it is not worth waiting for the elderly.

In the movie “The prosecutor asks to arrest cellophane”, A. Kandrotas claims that the case was invented by the prosecutor Donatas Puzinas and that he was arrested for this invention.

Photo by Laimis Stepavičius.

“I dare to doubt. What can be manufactured there, that there are two defendants who shared EU money and formalized documents that someone will do something one day, but they did not even prepare to do it. The manufacturers are rather themselves”, O. Vasiliauskas rejected statements.

Three cases

“Kauno diena” wrote about the pre-trial investigations initiated against A.Kandrotas for financial machinations, in which a representative of the “Union of Fighters for Lithuania” reportedly played the first violin.

Currently, three criminal cases are pending in the courts, in which one of the accused is A. Ovidijus Vasiliauskas, prosecutor of the 2nd Prosecution Division of the Kaunas Regional Prosecutor’s Office, clarified that a total of four cases had reached the court, but two had accumulated.

Prosecutor O. Vasiliauskas supports the state prosecutor’s office in two cases in which A. Kandrotas is among the accused; in another case with A.Kandrotas, the state prosecutor’s office is supported by the prosecutor of the same Kaunas Regional Prosecutor’s Office, Zenas Leonavičius. Both prosecutors have confirmed that financial crime cases are pending in court.

A few years ago, the Financial Crimes Investigation Service (FNTT) initiated pre-trial investigations in which the shadow trade in petroleum products took place, apparently under the guise of bankrupt companies on the brink of bankruptcy.

More than 5 thousand. tons of diesel and more than 700 thousand. EUR of taxes not paid to the state: a suspicious price of the criminal plan of A.Kandrotas is mentioned in at least one case. A.Kandrotas, who was found guilty and sentenced in the Pravieniškės Correctional Center colony, is believed to have implicated more people in the crime.

  • Sanctions: According to a court ruling, A. Candrotas must pay a fine of 250 euros and will be taken to the next hearing.
