An ESO representative also advises you to carefully examine the additional services offered by providers and the potential added value, and most importantly, not to lose your vigilance if someone on the other end of the phone, posing as an electricity supplier, asks for your Bank data.
The most important starting point is the customer’s own electricity consumption data.
According to the press release, although vendor offers vary slightly, they all contain the essential information the consumer needs. The proposals include consumption plans that show the price per kilowatt hour and other factors that affect it: the subscription rate of the plan, the option to choose a rate for one or two time zones, as well as an alternative to a fixed electricity rate or variable with electricity prices in real time. linked to price fluctuations on the Nord Pool energy exchange.
“When choosing the best price offer, the most important starting point for a resident is their own electricity consumption data, that is, how much electricity they use per month and when, what time of day or on what days of the week By even having approximate consumption data, the resident can already see how they are correlated with one or another offer, that is, which proposed plan will best meet the needs of a particular home, electricity consumption habits and allow savings “, he said. R. Radvila.
For example, if at least about a third of the energy is consumed on weekends and the appliances or other appliances are charged at night, it is probably cost-effective to choose a tariff of two time zones.
“It is true that this one or two time zone rate option is already common for consumers. And here is the possibility of choosing dynamic rates linked to the variable price of the electricity exchange, at least in the domestic consumption sector, a proposed innovation relatively recently. As the price in the energy exchange fluctuates constantly, the end user has the opportunity to take some risk and win with that risk if prices fall, because he will also pay less for electricity, and if prices rise slightly, the consumer will pay a little more. However, those who choose this option plan to gain from long-term price fluctuations, “said R. Radvila.
Meanwhile, fixed rates, where the price per kilowatt-hour seems to be frozen for a year or two and protected from any fluctuations, allow you to plan very precisely which electricity bill will arrive at the end of the month. The longer that contract is concluded with the supplier, the lower the price that the consumer can expect per kilowatt-hour.
Only the individual data of electricity consumption will also determine the recovery of the subscription fee, that is, if a lower kilowatt-hour price is obtained and the monthly contribution of € 3 or € 6 still allows you to pay less than choosing a Higher kilowatt-hour price, but without paying a subscription fee.
It is worth comparing the offers of all providers.
If you are entering the first phase of the energy reform, there is very little time left to contract with an independent electricity supplier, which must be done before December 10. However, before signing a contract with a specific provider, it is recommended to collect the offers of all the companies operating in the market and compare them with each other.
“Because only by looking at all the possible offers you will not only be able to choose the most suitable one that best suits the needs of a particular home, but you will also be sure that there was nothing better at that time,” said the ESO representative.
Currently, domestic electricity consumers in Lithuania are served by 7 independent providers: Elektrum Lietuva, Enefit, Ignitis, Inregnum, Perlas Energija, EGTO Energija and Birštonas Elektra. If not all suppliers have contacted them personally, their contact details can be found on the information website www.pasirinkitetiekeja.lt/rinkos-tiekejai.
When choosing a proposal, it is important to consider additional services and added values, which can be even more important than the price of electricity itself. For example, by choosing and using only green energy, you can help tackle climate change.
The contract conclusion process is no less important, and the data declaration and settlement procedure will be relevant a little later.
“Concluding contracts and paying bills takes time, some want to do it only online, others only at physical points, so here too each user has to think about their habits, already established opportunities and choose what will be most convenient,” said a ESO representative.
At the beginning of the cooperation, competing suppliers offer consumers various discounts and even gifts, from the price of the first kilowatt-hour in the first months to free payment for services or gift books to record the data and costs of electricity . Various discounts, promotions, giveaways can also motivate consumers to choose one or another provider, so this part of the offer is worth considering.
The most important thing is safety
When choosing a provider, it is important to consider their reliability and, at the same time, the security of your data.
“Once the contract is signed, a personal identification code will be required, but providers do not request the bank’s access data in any way,” warned R. Radvila.
Only companies that meet the requirements for this activity and have received a license from the State Energy Regulatory Council can participate in the supply of electricity. Currently, seven ESO licensed electricity providers offer their services to domestic customers.
“We noticed that some consumers are more likely to trust the old ones in the market, consider them more reliable, are used to the procedure of declaring and paying for electricity consumption and want it to not change in the future. There are consumers who prefer the lowest price, but there are also those who are suspicious of low prices, ”said an ESO representative on the arguments of consumers who are currently choosing suppliers very intensively.
He also notes that when considering a supplier’s offer, it is necessary to pay attention to its clarity, price transparency, for example, if the price is already included with VAT or the offer includes a part of the price regulated by the state. If a proposal is difficult to understand, if it is too confusing, then it is important to clarify, ask as many questions as necessary for total clarity.
Do you have doubts about your choice? It will be easy to change providers
While choosing an independent electricity supplier is important, you should not over-survive or fear that the choice will be wrong, hasty, and the like. Because residents can easily switch providers.
“If you choose and after a while you see that your neighbor pays less, or maybe another provider just offered better conditions, you can easily switch providers. Of course, when signing a contract, it is important to pay attention to the conditions for its termination, but most providers promise maximum flexibility in this regard: indefinite contracts, no commissions for their termination, etc., said an ESO representative . – After all, competition in the energy sector and the winning end consumer is one of the key objectives of the ongoing reform. That’s why we do everything we can to make it easy to switch providers now and in the future. “
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