Photo: FIBA
Arnold Kulboka, who played in the first half of the match, posted a powerful stretch, and his Bilbao team RETAbet (4-13) returned in spectacular form to victory in the Spanish championship.
Bilbao RETAbet Basket / Schedule
Alexo Mumbru led the club in his field 81:80 (16:15, 22:17, 20:20, 23:28) brought down Acunsa GBC de San Sebastián (2-15) and won after two consecutive failures.
Kulboka scored four triples before the long break and had scored 14 points, and in the second half of the match he added two more points and finished with 16 (2/3 double, 4/5 trit., 0/1 penalty), bounced 4 and took 1 ball, made an effective pass and scored 20 utility points.
The forward’s best performance indicator for the season was 21 points.
Another Lithuanian from RETAbet, Regimantas Miniotas, scored 4 points (2/2 doubles, 0/1 trit.) In 15 minutes, he bounced 5 and took 1 ball, committed 4 times and recorded 5 utility points.
Before the start of the last minute of the duel, the result was equal – 80:80, and Kulboka had the opportunity to lead his team forward, but the colon flew by.
With 27 seconds to go, Jonathan Rousselle scored one of two penalties and RETAbet went ahead with 81:80.
After a minute of rest, the Acunsa GBC basketball players recovered the ball twice in a row, but did not score and the final siren announced a dramatic victory for the hosts.
For the Bilbao team, it was the fourth victory in 17 days.
RETAbet: Jonathan Rousselle 17 (ed. 10), Arnold Kulboka and Jaylon Brown 16 each, John Jenkins 10.
„Acunsa GBC“: Johnny Dee 24, Pere Tomasas 14, Dino Radončičius (12 atk. Kam., 6 rez. Lost) go Jaime’as Echenique – po 13.
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