The Dutch-owned company in Ukmergė was bought by residents of Kaunas


Aware: 2020-11-17 11:12

Photo by Algimantas Barzdžius

UAB Textilite, a Dutch-owned outerwear manufacturing company with almost 100 employees, was acquired by Kaunas UAB Baltų tekstilė, which manages UAB Omniteksas knitwear. The Ukmergė sewing company was on the brink of insolvency.

“Increasing labor costs is becoming a burden and finding new customers is a big challenge,” Tekstilite says in 2019 in the annual report. 2018 After making a profit of 5,000 euros, Textilite in 2019. suffered a loss of more than 20,000 euros. Even though I had …

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