“This president should not be in office any day,” Schumer said, threatening to impeach him if Trump’s cabinet did not declare him incapable of holding office under Article 25 of the United States Constitution.
The call came two weeks before President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.
Schumer, elected by New York State, asked Vice President Mike Pence to intervene, infuriating Trump Wednesday with his admission that he could not undo the president’s defeat at a formal meeting of Congress to confirm the election results. who had become the target of riots.
Shumer urged Pence to take advantage of the 25th amendment to the constitution, which states that members of the US administration can remove a president from office by majority if he is declared unfit to hold office.
“The quickest and most effective way … is to remove the president from office, so that the vice president can take advantage of the 25th amendment immediately,” Schumer said, emphasizing that this could be done as early as Thursday.
If the vice president and the cabinet refuse to move forward, Congress must meet again to impeach the president, ”added the senator.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Republican, has already instructed senators to return home before the inauguration.
But Schumer could become the new Senate Majority Leader, as Democrats are predicted to take both seats in the House of Congress in the second round of elections in Georgia, and his party will take control of the Senate.
If Schumer’s threats were carried out, Trump would become the first president to be indicted twice.
In December 2019, the House of Representatives had already accused Trump of pressuring Ukraine to launch a compromising investigation into the activities of Biden’s son in the country.
However, Trump remained in office when he was acquitted during a Republican-controlled Senate vote.