The CSKA star in the Euroleague is more fascinated not by Shar, but by the Euroleague “Žalgiris” coach


James, who missed the last Euroleague game due to the conflict with Dimitri Itoudis, commented on the photo posted on his Euroleague Instagram account.

In it, tournament representatives ask which coach impressed the fans the most: Šarūnas Jasikevičius, whose Barcelona leads the tournament with 7 wins, and Andrea Trinchieri, whose Bayern Munich with 6 wins is second.

Still, James had his option.

“None of them. We all knew they could train well, wrote the CSKA leader. – I am more fascinated with the coach of” Žalgiris “. I did not know him, but his team is playing very well.”

Both Žalgiris and CSKA have 5 victories after eight rounds and share 3-5 places in the Euroleague.

It is interesting that in the past M.James did not say kind words to Š.Jasikevičius on social media.

When before 2019-2020. In the 2006/07 season, he formed the top eight of his best Euroleague teams, including the American Zalgiris, which named Shar as one of the reasons.

“They are always among the candidates and their coach always prepares them,” the American wrote to his surprised fans.
