The court will begin to examine in writing Narkevičius’s complaint against the COEC’s decisions.


On Thursday, the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court will begin to examine the complaint of the outgoing Minister of Transport and Communications, Jaroslav Narkevičius, in relation to the decisions of the Chief Ethics Commission (COEC).

In his complaint, J. Narkevičius seeks to declare the COEC’s decisions illegal, unfounded and to annul them. He went to court in late February.

On January 22, the COEC ruled that J. Narkevičius had twice violated the law on the coordination of public and private interests in the civil service by having lunch at the expense of subordinate institutions and companies.

The commission later discovered that the minister had a conflict of interest when his lunch was paid for by the Klaipeda State Port Authority under the Ministry during a mission to Minsk last year, and the expenses in Abu Dhabi were covered by the Highway Administration of Lithuania.

According to the COEC, the law does not allow public servants to accept gifts if they can generate a conflict of interest, and J. Narkevičius is related to the management, control and subordination relationships with the institutions that paid for their lunch and will inevitably have to make decisions related to them.

The minister delegate of the Union of Christian Families of the Lithuanian Polish Election Campaign stated that the rape was insignificant.

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