In the championship of Spain Volume Dimšos Excursion Las Palmo Gran Canaria (6/10) 71:64 (12:12, 19:16, 23:23, 17:13) passed David dulkio and Martynas Sajaus represented by the Baxi club (7/8) from Manresa.
T. Dimša was the most productive player of the match: in 22 minutes he scored 18 points (4/6 double, 3/6 trit., 1/1 penalty), bounced 2 balls, made 2 assists, made one mistake at the same time , broke rules 4 times, caused a foul and scored 13 utility points.
D.Dulkys never threw the basket in 16 minutes, bounced 6 balls and scored 6 utility points.
M.Sajus spent 3 minutes in the squad, during which he lost the only colon thrown, bounced the ball, again made a mistake and broke the rules and scored -2 utility points.
For the winners, AJSlaughter scored 12 points (1/8 trit.), Alexander Balcerowski added 10.
Scott Eatherton scored 15 points ($ 5), Daniel Pérez and Jonathan Tabu (3/10 trit, $ 5) each, and Rafael Martizen 10 points ($ 5). .
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