The CEC will announce a verdict on the denunciation of the Polish Lithuanian electoral campaign against the A. Tapinas campaign in two weeks


At a meeting on Sunday, CEC commission member Valdemaras Urbanas claimed that complaints had been received from one of the parties for several weeks regarding hidden and unmarked advertising in public space.

“This is done by an entity that is not registered to vote, does not have the right to officially participate in a political campaign, but ignores the provisions of the law, has its own objectives and funding.” In our opinion, the CEC should react to actions, because it is not acceptable when a person who has not declared his aspirations participates in a political campaign and in some cases supports some participants of the campaign, others – others, ”said V. Urban.

Luke April / 15min photo / Valdemaras Urbanas

Luke April / 15min photo / Valdemaras Urbanas

The LLRA-KŠŠ requests to consider reporting serious wrongdoing that may have affected election results and to address the issue of declaring elections valid or invalid.

At a post-election press conference, the party’s leader, Valdemar Tomaševskis, said that the campaign launched by presenter Andrius Tapinas on social media was aimed at influencing voters and should have been labeled as a political advertisement.

Before the Seimas elections, A.Tapinas launched the “Viso gero, Voldemortai” campaign, during which he urged the population to vote actively, as this would reduce the percentage of LLRA-KŠS votes, an account that could you support the campaign, Valdemara? ”.

Photo of Paulius Lileikis and television game

Photo by Paulius Lileikis and television game “Golden Mind” / Andrius Tapinas

It is true that A. Tapinas told BNS that he did not believe that the publication could be considered political advertising.

He asked to form a working group

“We would like a reaction, because we have received a series of complaints on this issue, but nothing is being done,” confirmed Urbano at the meeting on Sunday.

The president of the commission, Laura Matjošaitytė, objected at the meeting that so far no action has been taken. According to her, people were asked to provide information and responses were received.

L.Matjošaitytė added that a department examines the complaints received and in two weeks, when the results of the multi-member constituency are approved, the complaint will be examined and a decision will be made.

“Before approving the election results, the complaints will be examined and we will assess to what extent that complaint may have affected the election results in the multi-member constituency,” stated the CEC president, “said L. Matjošaitytė .

The results of the multi-member constituency are confirmed after the second round.

At the request of V. Urban to form a working group to solve this problem, L. Matjošaitytė invited interested members of the commission to contribute to the investigation of this complaint.

The first round of the Seimas elections in the multi-member constituency was won by the opposition Lithuanian Christian Democratic Union-National Union with 24.8 percent. Lithuania’s ruling Peasants and Greens Union remained in second place with 17.5 percent. votes.

The Labor Party received 9.47 percent. Lithuanian Social Democratic Party: 9.26 percent, Freedom Party: 9.02 percent. votes, the Liberal Movement – 6.79 percent. votes.

More matches 5 percent. Lithuania’s current Polish election campaign, the Union of Christian Families and the Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party, was overboard.
