The boss shared his mother-inspired cake recipe: Bake a Yeast Candy with Curd | Food


Before working as a chef, T. Rimydis, a connoisseur of historical cuisine, is in a hurry to remind you that it pays to start baking yeast dough at a lower temperature so that the yeast becomes more active and ends up at a lower temperature. high.

Yeast curd cake


  • 500 g of flour;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of milk;
  • 100 g of curd;
  • 1 egg
  • 30 g of yeast;
  • a pinch of vanilla sugar;
  • pinch of cinnamon.


1. The yeast is mixed with a little warm milk and some sugar. Let stand for about 30 minutes so that the mixture foams.

2. In a separate bowl, mix one egg with the remaining sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla.

3. Add two thirds of the flour. Then add the curd and mix everything well.

4. Pour the remaining milk, add the yeast mixture and mix the dough.

5. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and leave it in a warm place for about 2 hours, until the dough rises.

6. When the dough rises, add the remaining flour and knead. The dough should be elastic and not sticky.

7. Make a cake out of the dough and let it heat for half an hour to rise.

8. Spread the top of the cake on the egg whisk and sprinkle with sugar.

9. Bake at 160 ° C (possible on the grill) for approximately 30-40 minutes.
