The BMW detective who blew up in Vilnius continues: The man’s terrible plan suddenly turned in a completely different direction.


An enigmatic BMW explosion

On Thursday night, Vilnius police informed Delfi that a report had been received about the explosion in the parking lot of the shopping center in Minsk Square.

According to preliminary police data, another car (also a BMW) approached BMW, from which a suspicious item was dumped. It turns out to be possibly a firecracker, and it exploded when it crashed into the cabin of a vehicle.

The incredibly enigmatic event did not end there. Authorities said the car damaged in the explosion had left the scene, leaving only a frightened witness victim standing at the scene. According to data from the pre-trial investigation, the damaged BMW was found in the garage on Liepkalnio Street, very close to the scene of the explosion.

The BMW detective who blew up in Vilnius continues: The man's terrible plan suddenly turned in a completely different direction.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The suspect was arrested

On Friday afternoon, the prosecutor’s office reported that suspect A. S. had been arrested and that the court had ordered his arrest for a month. It turns out that the man is well known to the police.

After the incident in the parking lot in Minsk Square, the suspect did not leave immediately. According to the prosecutor’s office, the man scared the victim, who witnessed the incident, threw a construction knife with the blade stuck. By her actions, she was very frightened and, with a bold behavior in public, she showed disrespect to those around her and interrupted the seriousness and order of society.

The suspect was arrested by police officers the same afternoon.

The suspect BMW exploded

Delfi received more information on Friday about the enigmatic explosion in Vilnius. A Delphi source said the owner of the exploded BMW car was the arrested A.S.

According to the Delphi informant, the suspect is a dangerous person, having injured and intimidated many people, including his wife, with whom he met on the fateful night before the incident.

“It all really started when the citizen’s wife, A.S., went to sign divorce papers with him that night,” began a Delfi story.

The frightened woman drove to the meeting more than once, was watched from the country by a relative of a relative’s good friend, and he was the driver of the second BMW, the source said.

“When they met at the service station (AS and his wife), the owner of the second BMW was on the sidelines and observed the situation from the side so that the citizen AS did not attack another woman who was the sister of his good friend” , said a Delphi source.

The BMW detective who blew up in Vilnius continues: The man's terrible plan suddenly turned in a completely different direction.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

An accomplice was waiting at the scene.

Editorial staff were told that during that meeting, A.S. He threatened his wife with repression and showed her a strange box, as is now suspected, a homemade explosive. This scarcely signed document was to tell his brother’s friend about everything. When the suspect saw this, he became very angry and started chasing the man who had arrived in a BMW car, because, according to a Delphi source, he thought he was his wife’s new friend. He followed the last driver until he collided in the parking lot.

‘TO. S. opened the window, threatened another BMW driver, the driver of this car saw that A. S. was behaving strangely, still doing something with his hands. After a few minutes of conversation, AS threw an incense out of the window, but thanks to a quick reaction, the driver quickly grabbed that smoking box and threw it out of the cab of his car and drove forward quickly because he thought it was a kind of steaming grenade. After hearing the huge sound of the explosion a few seconds later, he realized it was a homemade explosive device. A. S. had managed to jump out of his BMW, from which he was the first to throw the device into the car of a completely innocent and unknown person, “said a Delfi source.

According to the informant, the driver of the white VW Transporter helped the suspect escape the scene, and pulled A.S. of the scene.

“They probably planned the attack beforehand, but they planned everything for the wife, who initially showed the device but saw a stranger, A. S. may have been overwhelmed by personal jealousy and suddenly changed the plan,” the informant said.

The BMW detective who blew up in Vilnius continues: The man's terrible plan suddenly turned in a completely different direction.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Police do not comment

Delfi’s reaction contacted Julia Samorokovskaya, Head of the Communication Division of the Vilnius County Chief Police Station, who stated that she was unable to comment on the situation due to the ongoing pre-trial investigation.

A spokeswoman said she could neither confirm nor deny the Delphi source narrative.

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