The apartment was blown up by an explosion, evacuating 10 people.


As reported by the General Assistance Center, on Sunday around 9 pm 03 min. received a notification that in Klaipėda, Jaunystės st. An explosion occurred in an apartment in.

Fire and rescue forces from the Klaipėda Fire and Rescue Board were dispatched to the scene.

Information about the incident was handed over to the Klaipėda Ambulance Station, the Klaipėda County Main Police Station.

BPC reports that, according to preliminary data, people were not injured in the incident.

How Known in the Situation Coordination Division of the Fire and Rescue Department, according to preliminary data, the explosion may have been devastated by a gas leak. Therefore, a gas emergency service was called to the scene.

There were no people in the apartment at the time of the explosion. There was no fire after the explosion.

A wave of explosions smashed the apartment’s windows, falling glass damaged at least three cars parked in the yard next to the building.

The rescue teams that arrived evacuated 10 people from the house.

It is not yet clear whether the blast wave damaged the building’s structures. This should be evaluated by professionals.

The incident is under investigation.
