On Tuesday, the Seimas will vote in favor of the reforms to the Financing Law of the Road Maintenance and Development Program.
The new road pricing regime is expected to come into operation from 2023, and the investment in it is expected to pay off in three years, according to the transport ministry.
The mandatory contribution would be calculated according to the type of vehicle and the euro emission standards. The fee would be charged only for traveling on state highways. State, national, and regional highways may also be taxed if vehicles choose to use them instead of trunk roads to avoid tax. Driving on local roads will not be charged.
The marginal charge for various buses and light freight vehicles (up to 3.5 tons) would reach 3.5-7 cents per kilometer, for the heaviest 5-16 cents.
This tax would exempt vehicles used by special services, national and interior defense systems, public transport on local transport routes specified in the permits, cars and buses adapted for the transport or driving of disabled people.
The minimum rates would apply to farmers and agricultural companies if they obtain more than half of their income from agriculture and if they transport the goods belonging to them in their own vehicles and have a consignment note confirming that the consignor, consignee and the carrier of the goods match.
Minimum toll rates would also apply to regular long distance services.
To ensure the financing of the development and implementation of the toll system, the Government will allocate no more than 90 million LTL to the Lithuanian Highway Administration. of the DNA Plan for the Future Economy or provide a state guarantee for a maximum loan.