The adult exam session begins


The session begins with the only mandatory maturity certificate for the Lithuanian language and literature maturity test: according to data from the National Education Agency, 17,2 thousand chose to take the state test, more than 9.3 thousand chose the school test. candidates.

The main testing session will end on July 2, when the state physics maturity test will take place.

Results will be released no later than July 23, with a new session pending July 5-20.

A total of 27.7 thousand people signed up to take the exams this year. The number of seniors in general education and vocational schools is approximately 500 less than last year.

To receive a maturity certificate, a student or alumnus must pass two maturity exams: a compulsory Lithuanian language and literature exam and another maturity exam on the subject or take a maturity assignment. Those who wish to enroll in most state-funded places in higher education must also choose the state math maturity test.

In total, candidates can choose and take a maximum of seven maturity exams.
