The data of a complex pre-trial investigation carried out by the STT allow us to reasonably suspect that in 2015-2016 the then judge of the Criminal Cases Division of the Lithuanian Court of Appeal V. Bavėjanas, meeting and communicating with his friend from the childhood V. Venslov, agreed with him to seek illegally to mitigate the legal situation of V. situation in the legal proceedings against the latter.
In this process, V. Venslovas is accused of abusing his official position in order to obtain property for himself and other people and for other criminal acts, the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation announced this Monday.
According to the investigators, V. Bavėjanas did not seek to benefit himself, but the former social democrat convicted of corruption, Valius Venslovas, technical director of the municipal company Kauno vandenys.
V. Bavėjanas and Valys Venslovas may have repeatedly discussed, planned and coordinated how they could offer, agree to give and then give a 10,000 euro bribe to a judge from the Criminal Cases Division of the Kaunas Regional Court.
According to the facts of the case, during the examination of the criminal case of V.Venslovas in the Kaunas Regional Court of First Instance, V.Bavėjanas and V.Venslovas may have repeatedly consulted, planned and coordinated how they could offer, promise, agree to give and then give a 10,000 euro bribe to the Kaunas Regional Court. to the judge of the Case Chamber to illegally affect another judge of this court who had examined the case of V. Venslov in connection with the imposition of a lesser sentence.
According to the data available in the case, V. Bavėjanas approached one of the judges of this court with such a request, offering directly and promising to give a bribe of the specified amount.
By failing to achieve the intended goal and then transferring V.Venslovas’ case to the Lithuanian Court of Appeal, the defendant allegedly illegally sought to have this criminal case assigned to a judge whom V.Bavėjanas hoped to unlawfully influence due to the imposition of a minor punishment to V. Venslov.
The data available in the case give reason to suspect that both defendants realized that their actions were not lawful, so they tried to exercise caution, hinted at conversations and interactions with others, and applied various other precautions when meeting and arranging. meetings with others.
It should be noted that the criminal case in which V. Venslovas was convicted by the Kaunas Regional Court is currently being examined in the Lithuanian Court of Appeal.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min photo / Valis Venslovas
The accusation of the criminal case referred to the court establishes that V. Bavėjanas is accused of committing the crimes provided for in article 226 (3), article 228 (2) of the CC, V. Venice – crimes provided for in article 226 (3 ), article 24 (6) and article 228 of the CC in part 2.
This criminal case has been transferred to the Lithuanian Court of Appeal, which will decide on the jurisdiction of the criminal case.
This is the 10th in a large-scale pre-trial investigation into alleged corruption offenses committed by high-ranking judges, lawyers and others, and the first criminal case against one of the former judges.