That’s it: Seimas passed new and superior benefits laws


On the eve of the session, the Parliamentary Committee on Social Affairs and Labor discussed the drafts, the new proposals presented to them by the individual members of Seimas, as well as the conclusions of the Seimas Legal Department.

Compared to original government-approved projects, the committee has substantially expanded the circle of people who will be able to receive already paid and entirely new benefits, and has provided the conditions for who and how much support will be available.

In the plenary session, the Seimas will consider whether to approve the drafting of amendments to the laws approved by the committee, to approve or reject individual proposals from parliamentarians.

The Seimas is slated to approve the new draft amendments to the law at its Thursday morning session. If the amendments approved by parliamentarians are signed and not chaired by the president, many of them should take effect on June 1.

The implementation of these projects will require around a billion. euros Since Lithuania does not have that money, it will be necessary to borrow it. The debt will be paid by everyone who pays taxes.

Amendments to the Employment Law

125 Seimas members voted for them, two abstained and there were no votes against.

The most important thing that the amendments to this law seek to achieve is to establish a provision that, after the end of quarantine, employers continue to receive subsidies to compensate the compensation of employees who have been on downtime.

There are more than 114,000 of those employees. They are paid a maximum of € 607 or € 910.5 per month before taxes from the state budget or from all taxpayers’ money.

Recent changes in benefits

Recent changes in benefits

Another important amendment already approved by the SRDK is the continued payment of a monthly allowance of € 257 to self-employed workers who have lost income due to quarantine.

Once the amendment is adopted, they will be paid another two months after the end of the quarantine. Now there are more than 70 thousand. freelancers who have applied for said benefit. The government did not propose this support measure.

An entirely new job search benefit that amendments offer may also be relevant to many. It would reach 33 percent. monthly minimum wage or just over € 200 per month. Students can also apply for this benefit. The grant for job seekers would be paid for up to 6 months, but not more than 2020. December 31

Cash social assistance for the poor

The amendments to the law that regulates it propose to establish that 6 months after the revocation of the announced quarantine, the property of the co-inhabitants or of a person would not be evaluated when determining the right to monetary social assistance.

It would also facilitate access to cash social assistance for those whose incomes have declined as a result of quarantine, downsizing, loss of earnings caused by quarantine of the coronavir virus, and asset valuation will not be a barrier to receiving support when it’s needed most.

As stated in the explanatory memorandum for this project, during the quarantine period, the provision of cash social assistance would continue without a separate request from the person.

Amendments to this law would also slightly increase benefits and lower eligibility requirements.

123 parliamentarians voted in favor of the amendments to the law, which did not vote against and abstained 3.

Amendments to the Child Benefits Law

They would stipulate that 6 months after the quarantine was lifted, in addition to the child benefit for low-income families (raising 1 or 2 children), the average monthly income would be calculated not on the basis of the previous 12 months, but on the income 3 months and 3 months.

It is argued that the entry into force of the amendments would provide adequate financial support to low-income families raising children whose income from coronavirus has decreased or who have lost their jobs.

126 Seimas members voted in favor of the amendments to this law, one abstained.

Flat-rate payments to pensioners

Under the new law, a global benefit of € 200 is foreseen for each beneficiary of an old-age pension and other types of benefits (incapacity to work, widows, orphans, etc.).

These benefits must be paid in August of this year in the same way that pensions or other benefits are already paid to a person, that is, by transferring to a bank card, living at home or in a post office.

You will only pay € 200 per person once, regardless of how many different benefits you are already receiving. For example, if a resident receives the old-age and widow’s pension, the lump sum will be paid only once. It will be transferred without any request; the person will not have to do anything.

As soon as the draft was registered, Seimas members had already submitted amendments to it. For example, they suggest that benefits should be paid starting in June, not “lump sums” but “elections.”

According to the preliminary calculations of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, some LTL 182 million must be allocated for the implementation of this law. Euros Around 910 thousand would receive lump sum payments. people.

88 Seimas members voted in favor of the law, 8 were against and 6 abstained.
