Teacher. Stankoon: You wouldn’t find a single minister who was impressed with the passport of opportunity.


“I can bet with you that if you conducted a survey in the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, you will not find a single minister who is impressed by the passport of opportunities.” I could bet on my own, I don’t know anything, maybe the banknote collection, ”said Professor M. Stankūnas from LSMU.

He said he saw the mood of the cabinet in making that decision.

“I attended those meetings of the Council of Independent Experts. I saw with what spirit, what great need is that thing. I could definitely bet that the Prime Minister will resign voluntarily, and the Minister of Economy and Innovation himself,” said M. Stankūnas, LSMU epidemiologist.

The professor assured that it is not possible to compare Lithuania and Denmark, because the scope of vaccination in these countries is completely different.

“In Denmark, people aged 80 and over are vaccinated 100 percent. In Lithuania, this percentage barely reaches 60 percent. The difference is huge,” said M. Stankūnas.

The LSMU epidemiologist explained that Lithuania cannot make decisions like the ones Denmark did.

“We still cannot do what the Danes are doing. There is no guarantee that everything will be fine in Denmark, but we will certainly watch what is happening there. And when there is the slightest possibility, we will be happy to give up that passport of opportunity, “said LSMU professor M. Stankūnas on Delfi’s” Basically “show.

See Delfi’s full program “Basically” at 7.15pm.

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