The official story goes that 35 years ago, near the current Lithuanian-Russian border, in the village of Aukštvilkiai, while weeding the parsnip field, the students unexpectedly found a treasure.
It is an exceptional treasure among those found in Lithuania, as it is made up exclusively of Germans from the 19th century. late 20th century. Coins of the early 20th century: Marks and thalers of the German Empire, German cities and their four lands. In total, there were 91 coins in the hoard: 82 silver and 9 gold. Its German origin is evidenced in the images of historical figures on the coins.
Together with the Tauragės kurjeris newspaper, the museum managed to find and speak with the mother of one of the children who participated in the creation of the treasure: an eighty-year-old Tauragiškės. He also recalled more details related to the treasure hunt: “The children were taken to a work and leisure camp. The son brought some rusty coins. He said he found it outside when the tractor overturned the ground. We still try to wash them, scrub them, but we fail. I said the find should be turned over to the archives. They will know better what to do. So much so that we realized that the treasure was here. Multiple currencies: bigger, smaller. In those days, children got a lot out of the country. Both the coins and the construction ammunition were everything. “
Photo by E. Remeco (LNM) / A 10 mark coin was found in the treasury. The obverse represents Carlos I, 1890.
Of all the treasures found in Lithuania, this one is also unique in that a valuable part consists of personal items discovered and collected by children, including two wedding rings with the couple’s initials and the date of marriage: 1881. 12 April, watch with gold case and watch chain with pendant. A special highlight of the treasure is the Order of the Crown of Prussia, which since 1861. Military and civilians, state citizens and foreigners were awarded.
The National Museum of Lithuania has been protecting the treasure of children, known as the Aukštvilkiai treasure, since 1986.
“Know how children stumble, then show themselves, share, change. Valuables can disappear quickly. That’s why I gave it out of my head,” said Tauragiškė about the decision to hand over the treasure to the museum.
Prussian, German 19th century Second half – 20th c. Coin finds from the early 19th century are often found in the southwestern part of Lithuania. At that time, border residents in this region were actively engaged in smuggling activities, and international highways stretched here: one, in Nemunas towards Prussia, the other, passing through Kaunas, connecting St. Petersburg with Königsberg and leading to Berlin.