Photo by Herkus Milaeviius
The Special Investigation Service (STT) announced on Tuesday a pre-trial investigation into the circumstances of the building permit and the completion of the cabin in the capital, Pavilnis.
The investigation began after examining the report of the members of the Seimas.
The STT will prepare for the possible improper performance of the functions of former employees of the State Inspectorate for Spatial Planning and Construction (VTPSI) in 2015 by approving declarations on the completion of construction in accordance with possible falsified building permits.
It will be investigated whether a criminal act has been committed, which has given rise to situations in which the declarations of completion of work have been approved, the properties have been registered in the Property Registry and have been acquired by people for possible improper actions VTPSI employees. However, it later stated that the construction license submitted with the statements, on the basis of which the statements were approved, did not correspond to the construction license contained in the Infostatyba information system, according to the report.
According to the service, as a result, the cabins in the capital have learned that they have been built illegally, can be demolished and therefore must sue at the initiative of the VTPSI, which in turn confirmed the construction condemnation for several years .
LRT TV reported on the situation in the Pavilnis district, which was the subject of a pre-trial investigation, last November.
It was announced that 7 years before the court for several years were brought by the VTPSI, which had previously ordered the construction of the so-called Signatar parcel room. Now that the house is threatened with demolition, the inspectorate is accused of using the data from the falsified building permit due to the employee’s negligence.
According to LRT, the cabins were built by TNN, which went bankrupt.
The pre-trial investigation is carried out by the STT Central Investigation Board, and the investigation is controlled by the Prosecutor of the Organized Crime and Corruption Investigation Division of the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office.
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