Social Democrats: the government lives its life and the people live its


“In the latest progress report on Lithuania, the European Commission evaluates our progress as modest, while the Government itself overestimates its achievements. Unfortunately, the structural reforms we are proud of do not bear fruit, all the minimum wages and increases in pensions are decided at the pace of a growing economy. Of course, the government can bear fruit and boast of what the Lithuanian people and companies have created. And areas that depend on political power have been abandoned, “says R. Budbergytė.

According to her, Lithuania cannot boast of the results of student achievement, as well as medical care, the availability of innovative medicines or increased investments in social security. According to R. Budbergytė, the fruits of economic growth reached individual population groups, but poverty and deprivation did not decrease significantly.

Gintautas Paluckas, president of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania, says that the recovery begins with recognition, while the current government “continues its kind of electoral propaganda and follows sweet stories, without acknowledging any mistakes and without seeing gaps in its activities.”

“Therefore, it is impossible to assess the set of fairy tales, which they call the report. All international institutions have already objectively assessed that Lithuania’s progress in various areas has been low or very low. And knowing that this was a period of great economic growth, I can add that it is too small ”, the social democratic leader is convinced.

Algirdas Sysas, a member of the Social Democratic Party faction in Seimas, succinctly evaluated the report on the activities of the Government, saying: You don’t throw away the lyrics of the song, and there’s nothing more to add. “

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