Skvernelis offers Lithuanians to keep masks


After the government meeting, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis presented the latest changes. You can read more about them here.

The cabinet relaxed quarantine rules on the coronavirus threat on Wednesday. Protective face masks are no longer mandatory, but more recommended freedom of association rules are recommended, and educational institutions are instructed to decide for themselves how they wish to continue the educational process.

First, S. Skvernelis presented the changes due to the use of protective masks.

“The government has made some adjustments for the use of a protective device in open public places. This becomes a recommendation, except for other dangerous places: in terms of foreign trade, markets, public transport stops, all closed public spaces, masks should be used, “said the Prime Minister.

But S. Skvernel urged to wear masks anyway.

“After moving into partial recommendation mode, I want to urge Lithuanians who walk, rest, and work on the streets for labor reasons to use those tools. Where we have no contact with people, they are not necessary. (…) While this is becoming a recommendation in some places, it is suggested to follow it. This would reduce the risk, ”said S. Skvernelis.

The prime minister said a clear plan with dates for the massive events that could begin would be announced in the near future.

“We should publish a plan for public events, when and to what extent these massive events can take place. First we talk about theaters, concert halls and then other events.” If the epidemiological situation does not deteriorate, there is a possibility that in summer we don’t have the usual amount of mass events, maybe with some restrictions, but we will, “said the prime minister.

S. Skvernel said that if the situation deteriorated rapidly, the quarantine would be introduced locally.

“I have said more than once that when the exit plan was approved, the measures were approved there. When outbreaks occur, if the situation deteriorates rapidly, in the region, the facility, the treatment facility, quarantine can be enter and local. If applied, it would only affect a specific area. I hope we don’t have to consider it, “he said.

The Prime Minister cautioned that there should be no need for relaxation, and quarantine releases pose a greater threat.

“From Friday, it will be possible to travel freely in the Baltic countries, there will be travelers and flights will be opened.” “… Threats are also increasing due to imported cases,” he said.

Delphi remember that the quarantine in Lithuania has been extended until May 31.

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