Skardžius withdraws from the LSDD faction, considering participating in the Seimas election with the Labor Party.


“I plan to do it tomorrow morning,” A. Skardžius confirmed his plans to Eltai.

According to the politician, this decision was made to participate more clearly in the Seimas electoral campaign and express his position independently.

“One thing, I am not a party member, secondly, the elections for (Seimas – ELTA) are approaching, and what I managed to do with the ruling majority, I managed to do. And now we just need to get more involved in the electoral campaign and express our position independently. These are the main reasons, “said the politician.

“However, belonging to the ruling majority limits communication opportunities, since it is necessary to refine their position a little,” he added.

Speaking about the upcoming elections, A. Skardžius also admits that he is considering participating in the Seimas elections with the Labor Party.

“With some force you will have to choose to participate in the elections, and I really cannot deny that it could be the Labor Party.” Everything will depend not only on me, but also on the party’s decisions, “he reported.

A. Skardžius thus declares that the decision to join the ranks of the members of the Labor Party will also depend on the interests of the party itself.

“It will depend not only on me, but also on the party itself, because the party must also decide if it would benefit me,” said the politician.

According to A. Skardžius, decisions on participation in the Seimas elections will be made in the near future.

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