Sinkevičius on the discontent of the “peasants”: it is the breath of a political bubble


The “peasants” are not satisfied with the decision of V. Čmilytė-Nielsen: they are considering running for the CC

V. Čmilytė-Nielsen’s decision on Friday to nominate A. Mazuronis, the representative of the smallest opposition fraction, to the vice-presidents of the Seimas surprises the leaders of the Lithuanian Union of Peasants and Greens (LVŽS). According to the president of LVŽS Ramūnas Karbauskis, there is a constitutional rule when the president of Seimas proposes to appoint a representative of the largest opposition faction as one of his deputies.

“The new political culture of the ruling majority of the Seimas ends with an idea of ​​the provision established in the rulings of the Constitutional Court that the leadership of the Seimas should be formed taking into account the proportions of the Seimas factions and the president of the Seimas does not propose nominate a candidate for vice president. “The implementers of the ‘new’ political culture must remember that by violating the Constitution and restricting the rights of a significant number of Seimas members, they violate the rights of hundreds of thousands of Lithuanian citizens who elected them; their votes will not be represented in Seimas leadership, writes R. Karbauskis on Facebook.

“After all, those are the traditions of parliament and, ultimately, the constitutional norm, which requires the observance of proportional representation and equality of the different political groups in the formation of the leadership of the Seimas”, emphasizes R. Karbauskis.

At that time, Agnė Širinskienė, a member of LVŽS, did not rule out the possibility of filing an application with the Constitutional Court (CC). Both she and the president of LVŽS refer to the and 2001 By decisions of the CC.

“I will cite several decisions of the CC, which, as I see, may have to be cited when it is presented before the Constitutional Court itself on the violated rights of the opposition in the formation of the Seimas leadership. The CC has said that “care must be taken so that small political groups are not in a better position than large groups in cases where the parliamentary leadership is formed”, as well as “the number of members of political groups must be taken into account in cases where the parliamentary leadership is formed “. and the appointment of its leaders, the distribution of funds and the performance of other parliamentary functions. “We hope that this” different “political culture means that this happens,” A. Širinskienė emphasized on the social network “facebook”.

V. Sinkevičius: blowing the political bubble

According to V. Sinkevičius, such an appeal by the LVŽS to the CC would be meaningless. According to him, the CC cannot say how many specific seats on the Seimas board or committee can belong to a particular faction.

“I think it is an act of political struggle or the bursting of a political bubble. This appeal to the CC would not make sense. The CC cannot say how many specific seats on the Seimas board or committee may belong to a particular faction. The most important thing is to guarantee the protection of the interests and rights of the opposition as a minority. That the opposition have the opportunity to express their opinion and present proposals so that the free mandate and equality of a member of the Seimas are not violated, ”V. Sinkevičius told Eltai.

In fact, the CC has written that in forming the structural formations of the Seimas, care must be taken to ensure that small political groups are not in a better position than large groups and the like. But it does not really follow from this that let the larger faction decide whether to appoint the post of vice president of the Seimas. The Seimas has a very wide discretion in this place, “he said.

V. Sinkevičius points out that the CC has not formulated rules to calculate the proportions of the committees or members of the board of the Seimas. According to the professor, the most important thing about the CC is not to violate the equality of a member of the Seimas or the mandate of a member of the Seimas. According to the MRU professor, the “peasants” simply interpreted the decisions of the CC in their own way.

“This threat to apply to the CC is not promising, it is a form of political struggle and nothing more. The CC does not set quotas or places. In some places, members of the Seimas have read the CC resolution verbatim and say that small political groups cannot be in a better position than large ones. But the point here is that small political groups cannot prevail over larger groups. In other words, that the minority of the Seimas should not dictate to the majority of the Seimas, that the committees be formed in such a way that the minority representatives who are on the committees cannot decide the decisions of the committee or of another whole entity. These resolutions of the CC aim to reconcile the interests of the majority and the minority, to guarantee the rights of the opposition, ”said V. Sinkevičius.

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