Šimonytė criticized the Presidency: I try to remember that “clear conversation”


“I am trying to remember that ‘clear conversation’. Perhaps I unnecessarily hope that other politicians, and especially those who speak on his behalf, also value his merits with due restraint. But I would still like to have hope,” wrote I. Šimonytė on Facebook .

NSGK President also responded

The chairman of the National Defense and Security Committee of the Seimas of the National Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrat Group, Laurynas Kasčiūnas, also responded to the message from the Presidency.

Presidential adviser Asta Skaisgirytė said today that the situation on the border with Belarus “improved when decisive measures were taken following the convocation of the State Defense Council and a clear conversation between the Prime Minister, the Minister of the Interior and other ministers.”

“Some of these decisive measures, as we can see, are working. In the first place, the policy of reversion and the construction of a physical barrier ”, said today the adviser to the president.

First of all, I am pleased that the Presidency is now constantly supporting our measures to counter the hybrid pressure from the Belarusian regime. This is critical to its effectiveness. Unfortunately, when talking about the chronology of events, the president’s adviser, to put it mildly, is not exact, “wrote L. Kasčiūnas on Facebook.

The president of the Seimas NSGK stated that he had to participate in the deliberations and consultations in the Government with the Prime Minister on how to manage the crisis. Also in the Seimas preparing and adopting both a resolution that names hybrid aggression and the bills presented by the Government.

I also well remember that decisive meeting at Government House, during which decisive action was decided and the Ministry of the Interior was instructed to implement it. Unfortunately, at that time the Presidential Institution urged not to rush in the adoption of revocation decisions and then seriously indicated that it was considering vetoing the necessary modifications to the Law on the Legal Registration of Foreigners. It is good that the president, however, has listened to the arguments of the Seimas and the Government and has not respected the law. This was a very important step for the head of state, because we did not waste time, we showed unity both to the international community and to Minsk.

Lithuania has resolutely resisted the hybrid aggression of the Belarusian regime through the joint efforts of all branches of government and institutions, so it would be good to maintain that approach without further senseless competition between institutions. Our true “competitors” beyond the wall, “wrote L. Kasčiūnas.

He spoke of the contribution of the Presidency

On Tuesday morning, ELTA wrote that the Presidency appreciated the actions of the Government led by I. Šimonytė during the crisis of illegal immigrants. According to Asta Skaisgirytė, the president’s chief adviser, at the beginning of the crisis, the mismanaged rulers took decisive action only after the convocation of the State Defense Council (VGT) and a clear conversation with the president.

“If at first we saw that we were doing quite badly, the situation improved after about a month, when decisive measures were taken following the convocation of the State Defense Council and a clear conversation between the Prime Minister, the Minister of the Interior and others. ministers, “said the president’s senior adviser.

According to her, the state’s policy of reversing migrants and building a physical barrier on the Lithuanian border with Belarus paid the most.

“Some of these decisive measures, as we can see, are working. First, the reversal policy and the construction of a physical barrier, ”said the advisor.

According to A. Skaisgirytė, the construction of the physical barrier at the border had to start earlier.

“The fact that the barrier had to be built much earlier has been said many times and it is very good that construction has already started, perhaps only the works could go faster than they are advancing. But they are happening, and that is very important, ”said the advisor.

In any case, he noted, the aforementioned measures are paying off, because on social media, A. Skaisgirytė assured, Lithuania is no longer mentioned as a promising avenue for illegal migration.

“As far as we know, information is already spreading on the migrants’ social networks that this road is probably closing and is not viable. All of this benefits us, because we already have 4,000 people with whom we have to do something. So Therefore, the problem is not solved, and their asylum applications must be processed very quickly, the countries of origin must talk about how to return them ”, summarized A. Skaisgirytė.

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