Simonas Gentvilas: a new car pollution tax bill is coming soon


“Certainly, the bill will be presented in the spring session and will be discussed with the public. Until then, what I think is important is that the money should not go somewhere, but create an alternative,” Gentvilas told the journalists after a meeting with the president on Friday.

He also promised that this year support for the purchase of electric cars will increase and the renovation of urban public transport will be financed.

“Last year 20 million were financed. euros for the renovation of urban buses, here the Government has set a strategic objective in 2027 so that all urban public transport is only green. We want to make a significant contribution to the municipalities so that they create this alternative (…) We will definitely allocate a lot of money from the funds of the Ministry of the Environment to finance urban public transport ”, said the Minister.

A tax on polluting cars has been in force in Lithuania since July 1 last year. The then member of the Seimas S. Gentvilas said in November that the circle of taxpayers will also be broadened: agricultural machinery will be taxed and the income from it will be used for cleaner cars.

Vehicle registration tax is paid when CO2 emissions exceed 130 grams per kilometer. Depending on the CO2 emissions and the type of fuel, the tax can range between € 13 and € 510.
