Shar, who urged Barça to play, won in Madrid: Giedraitis’ team did not cause problems


Catalans on the move 92:78 (25:14, 23:13, 24:25, 20:26) turned out to be an advantage over Movistar Estudiantes de Madrid (4-6).

Š. Jasikevičius’s army settled things in the first half of the match. Barça, who had already advanced in the first half, led 48:27 in the middle of the game.

After the break, the hosts leveled the game and prevented the gap from growing, but the intrigue could no longer recover.

The Madrid team committed 29 fouls and the Barcelona guests fired 33 free throws, of which 23 were hit.

“They prevent you from committing crimes. Continue the contact game. Play hard and score points with free kicks “, – Š. Jasikevičius.

The Catalans themselves committed 17 fouls, while Estudiantes only fired 8 free throws, of which 7 were hit.

Defending the honor of Estudiantes, Dovydas Giedraitis scored 9 points (1/3 double, 2/4 trit., 1/1 penalty) in 20 minutes, made a successful pass and scored 4 utility points.

The tall winners shone in the ranks of the winners: Artiomas Pustovijus scored 18 points, Rolandas Smith added 15, Nikola Mirotičius – 14. Pierre Oriola’s score – 11 points.

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