SBGS: Migrants attack the border more in Lazdijai district, one was admitted


They approached the Lithuanian border from Belarus in the districts of Ignalina, Švenčionys, Šalčininkai, Vilnius, Varėna and Lazdijai.

About half of the 40 or so foreigners were re-registered at the Single District border last Sunday. This trend, when about half of all migrants who approach the border from Belarus on a daily basis were in the Lazdijai district, prevailed during the last week except Saturday.

A foreigner was admitted to Lithuania on humanitarian grounds on Sunday.

As already announced by the SBGS, on Saturday in the Šalčininkai district it was recorded that one of the two officers patrolling together on the Belarusian side possibly crossed the border line, found himself in the control strip on the Lithuanian side and immediately returned to the territory of his country.

A pre-trial investigation was launched at the Varėna border team of the SBGS due to the illegal crossing of the state border.

On Sunday morning, the Commander of the SBGS Varėna Border Team, the representative of the Lithuanian border with Belarus Virgilijus Raugalė, addressed the relevant official of the neighboring country, the representative of the Belarusian border with Lithuania. He was informed about the aforementioned event, the material collected by the Lithuanian border guards was handed over to the Belarusian side.

Among other things, in such cases, officials from both parties must conduct a joint investigation. So far, no official response has been received from Belarus.

The use of service weapons, special measures or physical coercion by Lithuanian border guards and the soldiers helping them was lost last day. Border control on the Lithuanian side is carried out under a reinforced regime.

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